Choosing Productivity Over Procrastination

in procrastinating •  4 years ago 


Many people believe that by choosing productivity over procrastination, they will be able to become more successful. This is definitely true if they know how to harness the positive power of productivity. In fact, there are many people who are happy with their jobs and live productive lives. The only problem lies in the fact that they don't know how to get started with mastering the art of productivity. For you, this comes very easily. Read on to find out how you can start living a productive life by choosing productivity over procrastination.
First off, you need to be able to identify tasks that you are capable of doing and those that you absolutely cannot do. The latter category may include things like visiting sick people, taking care of your children, or even going on vacation. Once you know which activities you cannot do, you should set a specific time for each activity and stick to it.
Once you have set specific hours for each activity, you should then make a list of these activities. Remember to do the things that you need to do but leave the optional tasks and projects on the back burner. For instance, if you want to go on a shopping spree during your productive day, leave the shopping to the afternoon so that you can spend some time with your family. Remember that when you are being productive you should never let other people interfere with your tasks. If you do so, you might find yourself becoming very distracted from your tasks and hence being unable to concentrate on anything.

You should remember that no task can be accomplished in an instant. Even the simplest of tasks need to be carried out step by step. Hence, when you are being productive, you should never ever think that the work has been done already. Rather, you should keep the idea of completing the work for you alive. By doing so, you will be able to carry out the tasks on your mind more efficiently.

If at the beginning of the workday you feel that you have been very productive in carrying out your tasks, you should always make an honest report to your boss. Do not hide the facts from your boss but instead make open and honest reports. By doing so, you will not only be praised by your boss but also you will receive constructive criticism from him. By getting positive feedback from your boss, you will feel encouraged to carry out your tasks to the best of your ability. The fact that you were able to complete the work even with minimal supervision will work wonders for your confidence.

Once you have been productive all day, the next thing that you should do is to take a break. It is essential that you take a break periodically. This will help you recharge your batteries. By ensuring that you take a break in between your tasks you will be able to be more productive in the future. Therefore, always ensure that you allot a specific amount of time for resting.

Another thing that you should ensure you do is to plan out your day. You should divide your day in such a way that you spend the most time working on one task, and then use the rest of the time working on the other tasks. This will help you accomplish all your tasks within the allocated time. For instance, if you have four tasks to be carried out, you could divide them into four different tasks. Then, you should work on one task for about forty minutes and then complete another task for another forty minutes. This will help you work efficiently.

You should always ensure that you track the results of your efforts. By measuring the results of your tasks you will be able to identify the areas where you can improve on and develop the skills required to become more productive. Also, you will be able to see which tasks are consuming you the most and can be removed from your daily routine. By removing these tasks, you will free up more time to complete the more productive ones. You will also be able to know which tasks are becoming more difficult to complete, and by removing these tasks, you will be able to make your day more effective and efficient.

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