Part 1: My Experience Setting Up A Private Membership Association

in private •  2 years ago 

2 Sigils embedded in a drawing, I made to help me absorb the PMA paperwork and get it to go smoothly

My experience attempting to get a Private Membership Association has been fraught with difficulty at every turn.

The idea is great - the el-ites do it – have a private club that is in the private sector and not connected to the public - not subject to state mandates, etc. The Rockefeller Foundation, The IMF, The IRS, The Federal Reserve, The NFL, The Trilateral Commission, The Democratic National Convention – all PMAs -

But the people doing them either have no idea what they are doing or so convolute the situation as to make it impossible to navigate.

I first came into contact with the idea through a fellow freedom lover in my community who raised $1800 from our community and bought the PMA of a man from Texas who used to be a cop. She thought she was going to create some sort of umbrella thing that would protect us all from the mandates – she had no understanding of what this thing was. We later found out – it would protect her – and only would protect the people who were employed directly through the PMA itself – not members unless they did business through the PMA – but of course Mr. PMA writer did not tell her that.

That was a ministerial pma and it was such a mess – “under ecclesiastical law” (the Vatican), formatted poorly with bad grammar, misspellings, and some things capitalized some places and not in others – a mess, including no provisions for a bank account or how to establish oneself. We paid $900 of the total and went through it with a fine-toothed comb using the 5th Edition of Black’s Law Dictionary and decided not to proceed.

Of course, because we are in the private, we had no recourse to get our money back.

Next, I looked to a man who I respect mostly because he charges nothing for his work and accepts donations - he recommends the PMA that offers classes. He also recommends the work of his friend.

There are so many people making huge amounts of money spreading lies about "Patriot Mythology" these days. In fact, anyone who does any "common law remedy" thing and charges a bunch of money for it - it's probably a scam.

He states in paraphrase that you should beware of certain members of the school, because of a claim he heard from a friend, that they have been running the country since 2017, but that the school is good.

The total for the PMA documents including a year of classes, through the school is $1000. I paid in crypto I earned from Steemit and Hive so thankfully it was free money.

Here's he sigil I made to try to understand this PMA paperwork

The person who is one of 3 partners who run the school, probably studied with Karl Dahlstrom -

of Texas, now deceased and he studied the Law of Nations, from which he derived his method of writing PMAs, so his work is thorough and good at it’s root, however, it is very difficult to understand, because he is a terrible teacher and is not personable at all - he himself falls prey to gossip and criticism of his fellows. He uses very manipulative and rude tactics if he doesn’t like you –

All the people in this game act so poorly that it is hard to trust any of them.

They have some very good techniques though that shows they are smart but they have no finesse in how they bring their knowledge forth that it is almost impossible for someone who is not a legal mind to understand it and the classes are so badly done that it is impossible to understand them without discussion with others.

They have an encrypted messenger group - private for those who have made purchases in which they go in depth with individual issues, however, they can be very abusive in the group if they don't like a person and it is not laid out what the “rules” are.

I had been talking with someone who was also a client of the school, and that person told me about the private group and invited me in. That person was then immediately censored for bringing forth material that did not suit the owner’s liking.

It seems that if you don’t understand the classes right away that annoys the owner and then he ostracizes you for not understanding or tries to charge more money for help understanding the material, while sometimes giving away more information in the group that he even provided in the packages. He is kind of a red-neck in his ways – just no manners at all.

I literally could not figure this paperwork out. I had to look elsewhere for another way to get a PMA. This was mainly due to my business partner who did not want to pursue it and yet we are still in business.
More lies. My business partner told me he wanted a PMA but then refused to take the classes and work with me on it and then changed his mind, leaving me high and dry. I still need a PMA though so I had to go invest more money a 2nd time.

My thing with my business partner will be addressed in another post.

Next, I tried another individual’s PMA paperwork. I did this because he was referred to me by the person I am doing some contract work for. It is because that contractor will not give me a 1099 that I have to pursue this avenue at all. In that paperwork, it was claimed that I would be "walked" through the process.

So far it has been a month and a half and I have received little to no help. I have received sparse emails in response to my requests for assistance from his assistant. The owner has not helped me at all. He too has a signal group, but members are muted. The only way to contact him is through his website and then he may or may not respond.

I have had to go to my contractor to get advice, because he used this man’s method.

These people are the sleaziest people I have come across. I almost think they are all drunks, just by the way they act and take your money and don’t help you.

I met another friend in my city who bought a Faith Based Organization paperwork from a student of the guy from Texas I talked about above. This guy promises a lifetime of counseling but when she told him she wants to learn to write PMA paperwork he told her “No – you can have an affiliate link, but you can never learn how to write the paperwork.”

I have heard mixed-reviews of this guy from other people - some say it's sloppy but others like the paperwork and use it.

My co-worker and a friend and I are working together to get this figured out. My co-worker, who also is a sub-contractor, feels that each of us should write our own paperwork and not pay anyone to do it for us.

We need to own the paperwork and the process of coming into our own and out of this system of slavery. I tend to agree with him. Once I get through this process I am going to help them create the business in which they guide people to do it themselves and only charge if the person begs for hand-holding but they will still have to do all the work themselves so that they understand what they are doing.

The reason for this is that as "the system" figures out that people are finding loopholes and creating PMAs they will change their mechanisms and disrupt whatever cookie-cutter loopholes these sheisters came up with to skirt the rules and individuals need to know, own and understand all aspects of this in order to really be sovereign and not just depending on some middle-man’s cookie cutter short cuts.

I know this because I encountered this one I was trying carry out the first part of this process and one of the things on the list could not be accomplished the way the guy said it would in the paperwork.

This is the same for people who use "The American States Assembly" to buy their way out of using a driver's license, birth certificate and passport. None of that Patriot Mythology really will keep you out of jail when the cop pulls you over and you can't produce a driver's license - nothing is going to stop the po po from impounding your car and hauling your ass off to jail - all that ASN stuff is total garbage when you face the courts and the law -

Each one of us has to figure this out for ourselves because Natural Law says that no one can re-present another - and that's what we are doing by purchasing PMA paperwork from these confidence-men.

Stand Up For Your Rights!

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A great write up. Sounds like a variation of the free man movement.

None of that Patriot Mythology really will keep you out of jail when the cop pulls you over and you can't produce a driver's license - nothing is going to stop the po po from impounding your car and hauling your ass off to jail - all that ASN stuff is total garbage when you face the courts and the law

I've followed several of the Free man people and they always go to jail. The IRS even issues a warning that one will be penalized with extra punishment if they dare try using the free man argument. They actually classified it as a frivolous waste of government time. One of my favorites was this guy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

actually that guy wins - that guy is for real. I am talking about the people who are offering group solutions. Individuals like Anna Von Reitz and the American States Assembly or David Straight or any number of others like them. But this guy, who's name escapes me, and people like him - win because he owns his freedom.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He's great! Love this guy. Thanks for posting these.

I think you meant to comment this to me (you indicated plural), if so glad you enjoy him as well. I came across him years ago when his video of the judge running out of the courtroom went viral in some of the circles I frequented. He was later arrested (again) as became a common theme in his life.

I mentioned in my response to the OP the last video I saw him make he was worried for his life.

A good article on this years ago.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What is the OP?

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

OP = Original Poster

Your comment was linked below the OP so wasn't certain if your comment was to me or him for the reasons i stated above.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ah! Thanks. Gotta get up on the acronyms, or look more of them up

In a perfect world he wouldn't have kept going back to jail until he could box them into submission. I was looking for what is his last video but couldn't find it. In that video he admitted he was afraid for his life. It was a great video as he basically made one of the most comprehensive legal presentations I've ever seen. His name is Ernie Wayne Tertegle.

Sorry you are dealing with so many scammers in this. I imagine it's easy to pull a scam in this since they make it so convoluted by pretending even when you are right you're wrong like with Ernie.

If you ever figure out how to make a PMA please share how. I've not heard of such a thing and it would be interesting to set up.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh believe me the minute I know how to do it I am going to spread the information for free far and wide.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I believe the Amish know how to do this. I'll ask them.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That would be really cool - do you know some Amish you could ask?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yes I just moved to an area with a pretty large settlement of Amish. I've been purchasing stuff from them, including my new puppy. Inexpensive, excellent work, ingenious people, friendly as can be. One place had a sign "no masks." Love them. I don't know if they will trust me enough to divulge this info, but maybe they will direct me to someone who will.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Love your work. The first pic is just wow

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

thanks! Years of doodling practice - anyone can do it...

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I love your art