Unshackled minds - where do you get your orders from?

in prison •  3 years ago 


Serious question to all.

This really is an all inclusive question, let me explain why.
I am English, from England although live in Poland.
I have made very little effort to learn Polish, I know enough to get by, buy a beer or a meal, shop, say hello and say goodbye.
When I lived in Spain 8 years ago, and Thailand before that, I put a lot more effort into learning the language, but here I have in laws, one named a mother in law, and I have no interest in knowing what she is saying.
I just give her a kiss on the cheek and a smile, that is enough for me, each to their own.

Which brings me to my point "where do you get your orders from?"

As I do not speak the lingo - I do not watch TV, I also do not read newspapers.
Any orders from the Gestapo in Warsaw, man-dates, dick-tates I have no idea about.
For 2 years I have breezed through life, watching people mask up, un-mask, children go to school, not go to school, go to school again, not go to school again.
Watched people self isolate, over and over and over again, all perfectly healthy, but!

Seen people getting elongated cotton buds shoved up their nose, queue up to get a vaccine that is not a vaccine named mRNA, seen them do it twice, now thrice, soon to be 4, then 5, 6 or 7 times.

I breeze on by, I walk as if they do not exist, maskless and with a smile.

And that brings me right back every time to my original question: "where do you get your orders from?"

I have watched shops go bust, go broke due to closing because someone said, but who?
I have watched hotels do the same, but who said what?

I watch them open, not open, open again, not open, but who said what?
I see children in a spin, zoom it, go to school, stay home, zoom it, go to school, zoom it, self isolate, no you can not use the playground, yes you can, no you can not, self isolate again, as someone tested positive that is perfectly healthy BUT!!!!

It is no secret I took my daughter away from state con-trol week 1 of event 201, I do not want a compliant MORON!

Now again I ask "where do you get your orders from?"
Is it the TV set? Is it newspapers?
I just do not get it.
Ignorance is indeed bliss in this case, 2 years of it anyway.

Is it the man on TV you never voted for that rules your life?
Or the tabloid paper owned by a billionaire in bed with his wife?
It bemuses me to say the least.


Klaus is as real to me as any dick-tator I can never meet or strangle.

Sleepy Joe Biden too, I am led to believe he is a world leader, sleepy Joe, but he spends most of his time mumbling and forgetting what he has to say.

But are any of them real, including the straw-man Boris defuffle buffoon Johnson?

I have never met one of them, never will, so I keep coming back to my original point. "where do you get your orders from?"

There is software called deep fakes. Here it is.

So my question stands, are people even listening to real people or fake AI?

Can you imagine the embarrassment if it turns out none of the characters are real?

We seem to get offered up villains, Bill Gates, George Soros, alleged world leaders, but they all seem to live forever.
Lord Rothschild and his printing press, but what if it is just 1 12 year old in a room, turning a wheel and millions of notes come out the end?

Yes I am questioning reality, as I can never meet anyone making the rules, so I do not follow the rules, I have always said, rules are for fools.

I do ponder at times how far people would go with following rules from their chosen source, "walk off a cliff it is good for flying" and all that jazz.
That might be far fetched, but people think a dirty old piece of rag they shove on their face is going to save them right now, right here, in this moment.
They touch it over and over again, pick up food handled by many, touch the mask again, stick it in a pocket, take it out and rinse and repeat, for years.
And still I come back to my original question, and await with baited breath the answer in the comments section.


History is no fool.

You see my friends, being part of the masses and the crowd due to peer pressure has led to some terrible events, sure the Holocaust is the most spoken about, in schools, in society at large, but you can go further back to the Bolshevik Revolution and up to 100 million dead, "just following orders, honestly."

WW1 too.

And my question remains the same, is it the TV set? Is it the internet?

If it is the latter you are all doomed, because I will appoint myself world leader and dick-tate to the world, why not? If it is that easy to get people to do what you want, why the hell not?

I watched so called libertarians arguing with me yesterday because I asked a very simple question about why Spike Cohen is going along with the psyop and self isolating while healthy, (Psychological operations) and it made me think, think real deep, I watched people making up excuses for him, feeling offended for him by me asking why?
But that just brought me full circle to my original question, as I will never get to meet him neither, he is just a face on my PC screen, a talking head, like I am to you.

So I now declare me the world leader, and from this day forth I declare you are all set free.

Just like the end of the slave trade, I now declare tax illegal, theft even, why not, because I can. Live free my friends, take no notice of corporate police, they are now outlawed, says who? Says me, the ruler of earth, self appointed, but with better intentions than any corrupted poli-tik.

Be free, the only rule is do no harm to others.

Have a superb day, and let me know if you will be following my orders, or I might have to bring out my huge dick-tates.

Are you a prisoner of your own mind or mine?

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am not a number! I am a free man!

But actually, people will follow the orders of the nearest person who orders them! This is how the core psychos surround themselves with the pseudo-psychos and the broader minions.

Some arsehole in a 711 here once told me as I walked in to put my mask on - I wasn't in a good mood so just told him to fuck off - everybody knows what that means! What I found shocking was the lack of reaction - he stared into space as if nothing had just happened. Not a flicker of anger on his part. Honestly. fuckin obedient zombie. Did my shopping, paid and walked out.

Another micro-episode. Was in an elevator with my kid. We laughed at the prison-camp rules posted everywhere. So I dutifully followed, put my feet in the correct place and faced the wall - just like a prisoner. What happened next? The other people in the elevator did the same thing!! We laughed out loud. "Observe how people turn to sheep. Observe and remember." I told her.

Who do people take orders from? Everyone who commands them!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The 7 11 bit had me in stitches, the elevator too, seen the pictures of feet facing walls and people, thought it was not real, now I know it was, wtaf are people thinking, or are they?
Chicken, pluck it blood raw, throw some seeds and it comes back for more, said some dick-tator before.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I get my orders from ajerkoff and I am free😀

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are free, and no papers required, I also Knight you Sir j85063.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I have been kicked out of a few stores here and pissed off quiet a number of people hust for refusing to wear a mask. I state and claim that covid does not exist openly because of lack lf rvidence. I get strange looks and laughed at. I dont care. Im here to get my food and leave. But if one day I am banned from all grocery stores I WILL just fucking take it and not pay.

btw your video has a broken link.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I know, youtube want to get you to watch it there, forget the vid it was only prisoner anyway, stand firm, stand strong, in people like you I trust, have a good read here https://roguemale.org/2022/01/07/playing-the-populace-mass-formation-psychosis/?fbclid=IwAR3YwSpaEvdO8RdXjpubf5xl8d0GgAgwK9F8AAv8Rq7Lmh7Buup024B2Cqg

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

ironically i discovered this yesterday. I had suspected that there were microchips in the vaccines now there is definitive proof.

the mark of the beast.

Prepare yourself for mass die offs.

Apart from the genocide jab, I have another concern that I deem more serious than the jab. Surviving the next nova.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The con-troll freaks turned on 5g yesterday, 666 days from March lockdown, indeed prepare, they love numbers, it will be their undoing, I love numbers too.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I find it fitting and logical that those who present in the universe would love numbers. As this universe is made from numbers.

I think everyone at one time or another were fascinated with numbers in some way. I think they still are.

In dreams we see numbers.
I have seen numbers in hebrew becore I even knew small amount of hebrew. I remember seeing "echet" which is one in hebrew.

Are no symbols for hebrew so they are instead written out with letters.

My hypothesis is that since sounds are connected with numbers, then letters and vowels are too. And the ancient alpha beta creators knew this too. amongstany more things, so they the aleph-bet creators with the tools (tarot) and guidence of enoch (metatron), and with knowledge of the known cosmos, astrology, math, science and arts, constructed the hebrew letter symbols from the constellations above them.

Mayhaps they used the letters to travel around the globe and the letters ended up being a form of communication for time, travel, and location.

When is coffee time and where are we having it?

How can we communicate with each other now if it were not for the ancient alpbabet creators?

Now a'days we use the same letters to create more dissected versions. But I remain conclusive that is best to study the ancient languages. As a knowledge of root, i find it imperative we know the grounds of why we communicate the way we do.

Its not as simple as most may think. Its a vast history and the most mysterious history of our planet is human history. For so much of it is lost.

I wouldn't doubt that they had alien contact

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We are all in it together, no matter what we self identify as, Cheers friend.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That first feeling, that first thought, that I have when I encounter anyone or anything, is my primary guide. We are connected to all the intelligence we need in life.
We are taught, indoctrinated, to go to "experts" for guidance, as if our own inner understandings have no value at all. This is false. This is why the world is now populated by zombies.
Good for you, getting your child out. I have been urging people to do this for two years. If we remove our children from the schools, if we say NO, we stand in our full power.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In you I trust bro, you are now a knight of the realm, by my decree.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I was in Tractor Supply yesterday, the only unmasked person there. But by the time I left, there were quite a few more smiling faces about. It only takes one of us to refuse. Be that one.

I really need to get a profile pix of myself on here. But for now, I'm going off line!!! My inner voice tells me I am too wired at the moment. Time to disconnect.
Female, bro. Woman, no doubts about it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My apologies for assuming your gender.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am not offended. A bit honored actually.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are my kind of lady, like your style.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

You are my kind of lady, like your style.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Love your female spirit, do what you got to do, wear that smile with pride.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I knew I wasn't stoopid for not learning the language - spoken or written (same you, i can more than get by, with the little i know).
I have zero advertising influencing me, consciously or otherwise.

I've had the (mis?)fortune of meeting quite a few 'powerful' and 'famous' people - but the funny thing is - and to be totally fair - there wasn't one of them that came across as the 'all powerful idiots' seen on media - in tv, film, or in print .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Learning Thai was the worst thing I ever did, ruined a good holiday.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Like this one, in which NYS's newest governor demonstrates once again that she is completely deranged? She thinks she is god. lol.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

For thousands of years Buddhist teaching have been saying that this is all a dream or an illusion, and quantum physics has been saying the same thing now for decades. I’ve also seen things that I consider proof of this as well.
Only a fool would be afraid of a dream, and I’m no fool. To be afraid of something you have no control over is futile, and a waist of energy.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I was brought up as a Christian, visited Buddhist places, spent 10 years in Thailand, went to Bali where they have the Nazi cross with Muslim as a religion, been to many other countries too, I choose no religion now, we are all brothers, we are all sisters, we are all one, there is no fear. We live, therefore we are.

By the way, I now rule the world, so go and be free.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I do not take orders ,.. i answer questions or request's .
All on voluntary basis ,.. never without my consent .
My silence never means i agree ,.. probably it's the opposite ,...
Because i left ,... walked out the door ,.. witch is always open to me .

Your world-leader base sounds great do , but i think i am perfectly capable to lead myself true the world without following your orders ,.. Natural common sense are the rules i lay up on myself , they might not be all that different from your orders , but with me they come from my heart after it had a discussion with my mind (flesh) and my soul (spirit) . My heart hold's all info on natural common sense .
I could say , i get my final orders from my own heart . ;-)

Freaking nice old tv series that arrival thing , as in a weird way all MI6 and CIA mind control tech and structures are being presented to us just hiding in plane sight . Very informational , thks .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I knight you Sir free.