The largest single lack most preppers miss.

in prepping •  11 months ago 

Prepping has become a way of life to some, and a hobby to others. A majority of those prepping seem to have a blind area, that needs to be covered!

I asked my Sister what she would do for a deep cut, or dysentery. Both conditions used to be very dangerous, and if the SHTF occurs; could be so again! She told me she would go to the ER...My fault for not teaching her more. Assuming the SHTF is here, there will be little or no medical help available; we will in fact, be on our own! Have you thought about it, or planned for it? Will you and yours be safe if they must rely only upon you for their medical problems? What will you do for their medicine?

BTW, a bad cut can be closed on the homestead by using a butterfly stitch;
I cut this one out of tape, to show you what it should look like! I have added actual stitches to my medical supplies, and I've learned the proper knot to use them.

Diarrhea is best treated with immodium short term, and long term by these: apple pulp, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, carob, carrots, fenugreek, oak bark tea, pomegranate, psyllium, and simple tea. As with all herbs, the list is long to allow you to use what local herbs you can find. Slippery elm is supposed to help too. So if you learned any one of these herbs, you could treat this problem.

Here is a good video on this subject:

This Man is an above average source for herbal information. He is the author on One of my PRINTED (digital copies may not survive) herbal medicine books that will be my reference material. The Internet will be spotty at best after things crash, so plan to be without it!

Now to the specifics, knowledge is the foundation, and herbals are the bricks. You must have both! In the video above he explains how to get the knowledge, at a Rate you can retain; by using and learning single plants. This is a good method, but time grows short; so purchase printed reference materials ASAP! Be sure to include books on wild crafting, because that will give you a decent method to find, what you just learned that you need.

Prepping first aid supplies that are OTC is important, as a bridge to herbal methods newly learned. These also make barter supplies, so a few extra here aren't wasted.

For long term, you should have a pharmacology garden. Buy seeds as soon as you know you'll need that specific herb. I buy some that read as good, sometimes even if I don't need them right then. You can't buy too many right now. As with all prepping, buy things that are easy now, but will be hard to get (or overly expensive) later; and seeds always fall into this category!

But fill this gap, and you will become your own doctor. This is likely the single most important survival skill, because if you don't make it because of medical skill lack; you may as well not prep the rest of the stuff! Every week, learn something new on medicine. It could save your life!

Patriot nurse sells a 4 hour course on homestead first aid online for $129; I trust her, and recommend this. Knowledge is power, and survival. Barbara O'Neil from down under Is another source for home remedies, that I respect and recommend!

I have a friend in Venezuela, who had already dropped over the SHTF cliff. She's a nurse, and had to remove a friend from the hospital; because the staff was buried, and he was getting no care. He had been accidentally run over with a power boat, and had large slices down the side from the propeller. When she got him home, they were all infected. She had to remove the stitches, to drain the wounds! Could you handle this with your prepping? She boiled water to irrigate, and used plantain to help to heal them. I reminded her that colloidal silver would help as a powerful antibiotic. She made some by passing DC through two pure silver coins in boiled water. There was no medicine available at any price. She was able to beat the infection, and tape the wounds shut with butterfly stitches. He healed up, and began helping with food from the jungle. Her Internet went down, and I lost her, but I still pray for her! They had prepped well everywhere else, but were limping on first aid items. I was talking her through building a ham radio, but we didn't finish before she went dark!

So please have another look at a full replacement for a failing medical system, and begin today! We have to out think the fools in charge in order to survive, sadly that is not very difficult....

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  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Thanks for the upvote! I'll look at the witness vote, sounds good.


You are most welcome and thank you for your support! 🙏🍀❤️

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

I'm glad you liked the post!


Yup, skills more than gear(stuff). Using the resources in our environment to meet one's needs is the way to go when things go sideways.

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

I've tried to buy a gear for my small engine lathe for five years. I just decided to make my own from brass....

It helps to have a Machine shop in the garage! It will be interesting, the teeth are radiused, and the shaft had a keyway. Difficult part to mill, it will be a challenge! But I plan to give this to my Son with a bench top mill, so he'll have a shop too.

But the single most important survival skill is what you know! Knowledge is life.

Be safe, and keep on prepping!


  ·  11 months ago  ·  

She made some by passing DC through two pure silver coins in boiled water.

What is DC?

I've been stocking up on homeopathics, essential oils, and some herbs. I know how to identify a great many of the herbs so that I can forage them if necessary, but need to beef up my understanding of how to use them. Thanks for the recommendations of hardcopy sources. I do have a small number of those books already.

In the event that we are confined to our homes, I have planted or encouraged a lot of medicinal plants to grow in my tiny yard. Chief among those is comfrey, thanks to you.

Great post!

  ·  11 months ago  ·   (edited)

Glad you liked it. Just hoping to get some people thinking about long term health.

DC is direct current, basically a battery

The back yard is a great idea! Safest source of food and medicine. Comfrey is a gift for sure, I have a friend in Europe who uses comfrey tea for fertilizer. He didn't know it was a great herbal too!

Having books on the shelf, is critical to compensate for the internet loss that is bound to happen. I am thinking about getting a set of Firefox books, they're old, but contain a lot of good information...kind of like me, ROFLOL!

Prepare, and stay safe!


  ·  11 months ago  ·  

I appreciate the reminder! I do have some nursing skills, but could definitely upgrade a lot of my knowledge base, and medical supplies. I'd like to get a really good home first aid kit, but have never researched what's available. Recommendations welcome!

"As with all herbs, the list is long to allow you to use what local herbs you can find."

Thanks for mentioning that! Now I understand why herbalists and natural medicine sources tend to mention a huge list of things. It's not that you should take them all! They're listed so you can find 1 or 2 from the list that are available to you.

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

I know you're starting ahead of the pack, and I'm glad to get you thinking about more supplies and specific knowledge. That all increases your survival possibilities!

The Lady I told you about was a nurse too, and she saved that Man's life by pulling him out of that hospital. We are so programmed to run to the doctor for small stuff we should handle ourselves, that it may actually kill us in a SHTF situation!

Study, plant, and be safe!
