Some thoughts on what prepping really encompasses.

in prepping •  2 years ago 

I started this as a simple recommendation for a free addition to a bug out bag, but a conversation by email made me realize that more needs to be discussed!

Prepping is not a camping outing, with tulips and unicorns!!!!! Prepping is preparation for total war.

A bug out bag is a tactic, to bridge your Survival; from where you live to where you need to go, to avoid the consequences of the breakdown of society. Do not take this to be a condemnation of a bug out bag (BOB), tactics are important to win battles. But logistics are what wins wars!

So here's the free tactic to make your bug out bag work better in a SHTF scenario:
When you stop somewhere to eat, there are packets of these condiments you can pick up for free. Grab a few, and they will quickly build up. Fill a zip lock bag, and it takes up little space and adds little weight in your BOB. This was my initial message, but more must be said!

Now a word of caution...catsup, picante sauce, mustard, and hot sauce have penetrating odors, and could get you killed. When you put on your BOB, until you reach your destination; you are in enemy territory! Take the road less traveled by, and live. Keep a cold camp, smoke draws in people who didn't plan; unless you are prepared to kill these intruders!

And one can get by for a limited time on cold rations, bring hunting and fishing supplies in limited quantities; in case you break a leg or something equally dramatic, planning to never use these supplies in transit. Using these kinds of equipment moves from tactics, towards logistics. This will slow you to a crawl, and increases the risk of getting you killed!

Once you get to your fortress of solitude, cook only at night for months; placing the food in a sealed container (like a pressure cooker), in a straw box or in an ice chest to keep hot. A Dakota hole fire, or today's equivalent the rocket stove cooks quickly, with no smoke or light. Your goal is to disappear and stay gone! If you heat dry beans to boiling, and put them in your straw box, the will slow cook until you open it back up. This is a homestead equivalent of a crockpot.

So many preppers seem to think that bugging out is going to be a walk in the park...No...No...No! The only single item that will keep you alive is your brain, USE It!!!!

Use the BOB tactic to reach your fortress of solitude, then switch to logistics to win the inevitable war; that will follow for years to come. Look at silent weapon systems for hunting, because a gunshot travels for miles; and can draw scavengers!

Remember, when the SHTF; the Rule of Law disappears, be ready to project power to protect yourself! The SHTF sucks, but with planning and logistics; you can come through stronger. The fortress of solitude should be a community, because no one can stay awake forever. Neighbors can make the small community a tough nut to crack...again, logistics and planning!

If you have a dog, who will keep his yap shut; he can save your life! He will be a good addition to your BOB, and can carry his own gear. Training him to get serious when you put on his BOB, can help keep you safe as you travel! This is another tactic, that can help you get to your fortress of solitude safely.

Just remember, you are going to War...not a camping trip; plan accordingly!

If you think you need 100 pounds of some type of dry goods, stock in 400 pounds; now while it's available! Store it in smaller containers in case some vermin gets in one container; so you don't loose much. The excess will make up for any mistakes you might make, and give you barter supplies for later; because you Will forget something!

Prepping is logistics for long term survival, few can survive on on a BOB only. I do know one person experienced enough to handle that (besides myself); and they are planning to head up on the mountains , and disappear. My BOB is a 27 foot travel trailer. My wife's in a wheelchair, so I need to bug in....

Use your best tool...your brain; to ensure that you come out the other side, and you're safe when the SHTF!

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I collected salt packets at restaurants for a long time. 1. free salt and 2. part of my medical kit. Salt draws out infection - infected tooth for example. I use salt water as a mouthwash at home now. It's what I can use in a SHTF situation until I run out or switch to pine water ( boil inner pine bark and then let is cool-antibacterial mouthwash). If fire is not possible due to safety, let it cold soak all day. Better than nothing. Infected teeth will be a huge problem especially for the older folks who are more likely to have brewing dental issues.

I had a tooth get infected and used a combo of saltwater rinses and the pine inner bark water. Cured it in just a few days!!! I am diligent about my saltwater rinses now and I have not had any issues.

@smithlabs is absolutely right. Bugging out is not camping and hiking. Not at all. It is a Ninja's journey from point A to point B (safety). Stealth skills and as light a load as possible utilizing the environment to meet needs is the name of that game. A risky plan for sure. Many will not make it. The bug-outer must be very flexible and be able to make split second decisions and re-evaluations.

Bugging in comes down to ability to defend the location containing the stockpile of supplies. This is much more manageable than being on the move.

The plan best for you depends on your current location, options you have, and your personal needs. Some folks have a location within a reasonable distance to retreat to. Some do not. Some people are able to travel and some can not. Some people live in a major city and some do not. Whatever your plan is, have one and keep on perfecting it. Design options A-F. I have local locations picked out as well as various routes to reach them as well as locations further away with detailed maps all ready set aside ready for use. Options is the key for the Bug Outers.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The maps are critical! When the SHTF happens, the first thing that will occur; is a full overload of the cell network. Some will simply loose power, and the remaining towers will try to pick up the difference; and become hopelessly overloaded.

Without good maps, you are guessing for your survival! Additionally, you need a quality compass with a smaller backup, that you have learned to Use!

Dental is most often ignored, and can be the most debilitating! I keep basic dental tools but can't get real tooth filling supplies, so will likely have to pull bad teeth. So cleaning is essential! I also keep colloidal silver that will reverse most tooth infections. Even a water mouthwash is helpful, salt is better. The pine decoction is a good renewable antibiotic wash that can help in lots of areas.

Tea made from pine needles is high in vitamin C, which can also helpful supporting healing. This is also part of using you brain, which with knowledge gained from study; is your best survival tool!

You are spot on that every plan is, of necessity, different; because We are all different! The only commonality is planning; fail to plan, and you plan to fail....

I'll never run out of salt, because a boat trip upstream, and I can scrape up all the salt I can ever use. This is the Logistic part of my planning, unlimited resupply of critical inventory. Wagon trains used to stop here to replenish their salt supplies, on their way through!

One last thing, watch your trash. Bury and camouflage the burial site, so you don't help them track your path! Alternately, pack it out and dispose of it later at the fortress of solitude!


Yupper. I jive with everything you said here!!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

< I'm a mighty cautious citizen

John Wayne from 'angel and the bad man'
The only way to think during SHTF situation! I ll have to add space for my ninja costume, but we can't have everything, ROFLOL...

I actually have several katanas, not for to prepping supplies, but because I like them. Beautiful design! My I mine are made to fool people into thinking they are real, but they are well made fakes; so I could afford them.

You guys still moving?


I sent ya an email update I think. I will send ya another one right now.

I have an bo staff made of Korean Hardwood. I can use it too! LOL.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My bad...hard to keep up lately! I'll look.

A good hardwood staff is a formidable weapon, and a big help on a long walk....


Yeah I figured so I don't send anything urgent via email to ya. Just chit chat stuff.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cool, I have 2600 new emails, but I'll find it, LOL 😂😆

Proton pops an alarm, that's why I'm careful about that address!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's true, everybody has to plan differently, but developing the brain is important for all! I am disabled and my wife is crippled, and we have a toddler and baby, and no friends or family, so bugging in is our only option.
I think that prepping is short for preparing, and to goal is to be prepared for everything or at least as many scenarios as possible. That may even include tulips and unicorns!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I never ate a unicorn, but I bet they make good jerky! Tulips are good to eat, so some wildcrafting is in order, LOL.

I will begin wildcrafting as early as possible, to supplement my food storage. Planting permaculture plants will also be an early task. Security will be close to the top of the list.