A surprising fact about prepping, and first aid kits.

in prepping •  last year  (edited)

I learned something from my sister on first aid kits recently, when I sent her this:
She showed me her first aid kit, and it had; Band-Aids, triple anti biotic ointment, decongestant, and laxatives. She had no idea why she would add gauze, pads and tape! I realized that she didn't know how to use these...she is planning to just go to the doctor.

The hundreds of pounds of bulk herbals, are just so much compost; if their uses are unknown. I believe that food and medicine will be used to control the servant population; and it will happen soon! Learn one new herb a week, and it will change your life. Western medicine is rapidly becoming a secondary source for medical treatment for me, because herbals work so much better!

Without knowledge, a prepping first aid kit like mine, is a waste of cash! I have a tackle box full of essential oils that would be useless to her. The surgical (MASH hospital kit) kit I bought would not help her either. The Geiger counter, dosimeters, and iodine; would also sit unused, for lack of understanding. I keep hard copy instructions with each kit, and pray I never need any of them!

But right now, information is free and easy; and we should be digging daily, to learn as much as possible...just in case. Please remember that if you don't have it hard copy, you won't have after the SHTF occurs! The internet will become at best spotty, and will likely fail entirely; so DO NOT plan on looking things up on it!

So now I know that I need to dedicate some time to teaching this sister a better level of first aid, so she can make a decent first aid kit! I better explain prepping again, so she understands that it's a matter of survival; and not just filling in a few days without power etc., expecting services to be restored quickly.

What level have you chosen for first aid at your bug out location?
Will you do:
Dental work?
Treatment for significant illnesses?
Broken bones?
Compound fractures?
Injuries that require stitching?
Poisonous bites?
Radiation exposure?
Treating for bad food?

The level you decide upon, may be a matter of life and death; and will certainly affect your freedom! Any suggestions on the list, are there some I've missed? Do you think any of them are too much to do on a homestead?

I helped a Lady in Venezuela get a family member out of the local hospital, and bring him home to heal or die. In the hospital his wound had gone septic, due to overloaded staffing! She got him home, removed the stitches, cleaned the wound, and butterflied it shut, under a plantain police. I had her make some colloidal silver using a car Battery to add to the dressing, and take internally. He healed up well, and was able to help collect food in about 3 months.

When the current spending drives us under, causing a SHTF breakdown, this will happen to our medical system here pretty quickly! So get ready, a loved one's life may depend on what you know.

I'm currently working on improving my dental capability to include basic fillings, should be interesting!

What are you adding?

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  ·  last year  ·  

Very good!
I have put in a garden here now, and food is starting to come up. If I'm here next year, it will be even easier to produce a lot of food, because the gardens have been dug, and this year is acting as a tester year to figure everything out. For example I now know I need 2 rows of lettuce in order to have enough for our needs. 3 would mean a little extra to share.
We also have slowly stocked up a pantry from the grocery store. It's not easy on a limited budged, or without a vehicle. Most of it, including water, gets back to the house via stroller. We have a decent supply of some things, almost none of others. I hope to improve my food storage this summer, both from the shops and from what I harvest. For example, I'll need some kind of cold storage or cellar, as we have nothing like that here except the garage, which gets down to 30 below freezing.

  ·  last year  ·  

An old refrigerator in the garage, surrounded by bale's of hay might make a decent root cellar. Especially if it attaches to the house, placing it there will help raise the temperature slightly. Foam over the door will round out the root cellar.

The Malibar spinach seeds will give you a good crop when it gets hot out. The sea buckthorn will live outside in the cold in your area. It's fruit is like a large cumquat.

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes, I think that will work nicely for the garage. I will see what I can do about getting an old fridge.

  ·  last year  ·  

Stick the hay bales in a black trash bags, and no mess either. I plan to use this myself, as dead refrigerators are easy to come by!

Just make sure no kids can get into it...I plan to add a bike cable around it, and add a simple lock.

Be blessed!


  ·  last year  ·  

Dang I wanna come live on that lake with you!!! I've been wondering if we couldn't fill our own teeth. Do you use oil pulls? I swear they can cure a cavity.

I know a fair amount about herbals, and am learning more regularly - this week's new find was angelica. I use homeopathy first for almost any illness and have quite a few of those remedies. I have essential oils. I have hardcopy books about how to employ all of those. But when it comes to wound care, I got nothing. I better step up that part of my game.

  ·  last year  ·  

Look at plantain (aren't weeds great?) and especially Comfrey. Both are healing accelerators, but be careful with Comfrey on deep wounds; it can close them before they should be. I use comfrey on the back side of a wound area, because the allantoin in the comfrey will penetrate a foot deep and heal from the bottom.

The hardest part of the fillings is finding the supplies. I have the tools to pull a tooth, but I hate to do that! We'll see how far I can get....

I've also been concentrating on wildcrafting as much as possible, I think that will be important.

Come on down, lots of nice spots here around Keystone lake! It will be a good place to be when they spend us into insolvency....

I'm looking into castor oil pads on the skin. Watch Barbara O'Neil on you tube, she has some impressive videos.
