​Daily prayers are important

in prayers •  last year 

We have so many different types of religions and cultures in the world and with that each one has their own way of reaching out to God. There is no right or wrong way, in any way that you believe in God is the right way. What matters is the faith that we have. This is what I personally believe that everyone should keep some time on a daily basis for prayer. A prayer may not always be from a book of our religious scriptures. It can be a prayer of the heart which we can say in the way feel best. A prayer is an expression of Gratitude towards God and Universe for all the beautiful things we have in life. Though many people think that prayer is a way of asking things from God and fulfilling our wishes.

In our difficult times we never fail to turn to God and pray to him asking for help, so why do we not do the same in our happy times, saying Thank you to him. I am not saying everyone does that, but yes, I have seen many people doing that. When they are in their difficult times they sit and pray for hours but in their good times they would barely remove 10 minutes to pray. That's a selfish behavior, that only in times of need we pray properly and then rest of the time we make short cuts. A heart that is in the service of God will always be a happy heart.


Sincerity is very important in prayers, it is not about convenience that when you feel like you do it and when you do not you leave it. There are some days when we may genuinely not be able to spare time or we may be unwell to do our prayers, in those times I feel even a 1 minute heartfelt remembrance of the divine and expressing gratitude is worth praying a full book of religious scriptures. There are people who pray with their mind wandering in 1000 places, it is better to do a 5 minute prayer in that case which needs to be done wholeheartedly and with full focus being in the present.

Whatever form of prayers we do, they are powerful and they bring that positive energy back to us in our life. If one is not into a habit of praying then the least they can do is express gratitude to god and the universe in whatever words and way they want twice a day, which is when they wake up and before going to bed. Just following this practice will also bring lot of good energy into our life.

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