I Powered Up 50k Blurt

in powerup •  3 years ago 

Hi, BlurtFam!

I recall I promised to powerup weekly but my hands had been full with a lot of things lately inlcuding the episodes where I got quarantined because of having Covid. It was tough times but I am glad it is over now. I have so many personal things going on, but they are all for the betterment of myself and my daughter. This year is both fruitful and tough because I am completely independent now since my family shown me how terrible people they are. I am past that, I am just so happy I am free from their toxicity now. Life has been kind to me and by heavens grace I am able to sustain everything and make our life comfortable, me and my teen daughter.

So, I do not want to drown you in all that life talk, I am here to share that I love Blurt so much, I just powered up 50k to be able to help a lot of people, especially the BlurtFilipino community, which I curate. It was sad that I had so little power, it barely moves anything. Now, I would use my power to encourage engagement here in the platform by voting comments that are done under posts with the #blurtfilipino tag. I would also use my account to vote people who are doing positive things to move Blurt forward with their community projects and such.

With the upcoming Splash screenshot and 1:1 Airdrop, I am also encouraging others to please powerup so we all can show others how simple people like us in the community back these projects and we want them to succeed and help many others like us in these platforms. Year 2021 is so promising for crypto, adaptation is all here from the community to Wall Street, it's all happening now. This is the time for that idea to flourish and let us be in the front row when it happens! Power up!



BlurtFilipino banner designed by @gremayo.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Woooooww! bason tanan, dli na "sanaol" hahaha ayay kanindut, ready nas rock 'n roll n GNR the Splash hehe.