A part of haya iman

in powerclub •  4 months ago 

Assalamualaikum everyone, today I am a going to share beautiful lesson with you all

Hayā is the state that arises in a person due to the fear of flaws and shame. A person should be adorned with shame and modesty because shame is a branch of faith, and the outcome of faith is Paradise.

Hayā brings goodness and all its forms are better. It keeps a person away from bad deeds and evil things. When hayā is lost, it disappears, and a person becomes prone to bad actions. Without hayā, a person falls into sins and the end of faith itself is jeopardized.


As stated in the Hadith:

"When there is no hayā, a person does whatever they wish."

This means, once a person loses shame and modesty, they engage in whatever actions they desire, with no regard for right or wrong.

I hobe you liked this blog everyday I share beautiful lesson about life and many more .stay tuned,allah hafiz

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