Allah tala exists।

in powerclub •  5 months ago 

Assalam alaikum everyone,today I am a going to share beautiful lesson with you all

Look, in the evening when the sun sets, the light of the day disappears, and darkness envelops everything. Until we light a lantern or turn on electricity, the house remains dark. The lantern doesn't light itself, and light doesn't appear on its own.


So, tell me, the sun, which brings light to the world, how does it shine on its own? There is someone who ignites it and provides that light—Allah.

Allah is present everywhere; He is the Creator of all. He is the Knower of the unseen, aware of what lies in our hearts.

We may think that when we do something in secret, no one is watching us. But Allah is always watching. We must always remember that whatever we do, Allah sees us.

If you need any further assistance or specific modifications, let me know

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