Treat everyone with kindness

in powerclub •  4 months ago 

Assalamualaikum everyone, today I am a going to share beautiful lesson with you all

A person should always treat others with kindness and ease because Allah, the Most Merciful, wants ease for His servants, not hardship. Allah desires that His servants show kindness and mercy to one another, for He loves kindness.


Unfortunately, when something goes wrong, people often fall into the trap of Satan and become harsh, forgetting to adopt kindness. When a person shows mercy and compassion towards another, Allah is very pleased with that person. Conversely, whatever lacks kindness becomes a source of harm and regret.

Therefore, it is essential for a person to strive to embrace kindness and mercy. Kindness brings benefits, while harshness only leads to enmity. A person who practices kindness will attain goodness in both this world and the Hereafter. On the other hand, one who is deprived of kindness will miss out on the blessings of both this world and the Hereafter.

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