in powerclub •  3 days ago 

Allama Badr al-Din bin Shibli in his famous book "Akam al-Murjan fi Akam al-Jan" narrates that there are 6 degrees of harm caused by Satan's curse to a person:


(1) In the first stage, he works hard to involve a person in disbelief and polytheism, if he succeeds in this, then he does not need any more labor on that person, because there is no harm greater than disbelief and polytheism. It is not a matter of

(2) If a person (by the grace of God) does not agree to disbelief and polytheism, then in the second stage Satan curses him and makes him indulge in innovations.

Hazrat Sufyan Thauri (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) says that Satan likes innovation more than debauchery and immorality; This is because other sins enable a person to repent, but a heretic does not have the opportunity to repent (because he commits innovation as a reward, so he does not even think of repentance).

(3) If a person remains safe from innovation, then in the third stage Satan tries to involve him in debauchery and major sins (for example, adultery, murder, lying or arrogance, envy, etc.).


(4) Even if a person avoids major sins, the devil tries to make him at least accustomed to minor sins; Because these small sins sometimes accumulate to such an extent that it becomes a deserved punishment because of them.

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "You people keep avoiding sins that are considered contemptible; Because their example is like some people camped in a forest and each man brought a piece of wood for fuel; So that a big bonfire is lit and food is cooked and eaten by them, this is the case with small sins that when they accumulate, they become the cause of great destruction. (Narrated by Ahmad, al-Targhaib and al-Tarhib, total amount: 3760 Bayt al-Afkar)

(5) And when Satan is not satisfied with any of the above-mentioned tasks, then his desire is to make a person engage in such permissible activities in which there is no hope of any reward. The result of which is that the time during which a person can earn a great reward by doing good deeds, that time is wasted by passing without any benefit.

(6) If a person avoids being deceived by Satan at each of the above-mentioned stages, then in the last stage, Satan tries to divert man from the superior and more profitable work and engage him in the lesser and less profitable work; In order to deprive a person of the reward of excellence as far as possible. (Akam al-Murjan fi Hakam al-Jan 126-127)


It is known that the devil does not want to waste any opportunity to harm the human being, it is a pity that we are not oblivious to such worst enemy today; Rather, they have become his staunch friends. Even the great believers seem to be deceived by Satan at some stage, and they do not even realize what kind of enmity our enemy has opened with us. )

If you want more information about related Shaitanic occupation than watch thisVideo

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