in powerclub •  9 hours ago 

The order of the gathering of inter-Sultanites in the journey


It was narrated from Anas (RA) that when the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) started his journey before sunset, he would postpone the Zuhr prayer until Asr time, then he would get down from his horse and perform both the Zuhr and Asr prayers together. . And when the sun would set before the start of the journey, then after performing the Zuhr prayer, they would mount and set off on the journey. (Bukhari and Muslim) And it is from the authentic chain of command in Arbaeen that he offered the Zuhr and Asr prayers, then mounted the ride. And it is stated in Abu Na'im's "Mustakharj Muslim" that when he was on a journey and the sun was setting, he would pray both Zuhr and Asr together and set out from there.

Takhreej Hadith: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of Taqseer Salat, Chapter 11:1111 and Sahih Muslim, Book of Prayers for Travelers, Chapter 704: 704 /294.

Advantages and disadvantages:

1- From this hadith, it is known that inter-religious gatherings are permissible based on the Shariah excuse. And the Shariah excuses are numerous, such as: travel, illness, Hajj, Istihaza,

Education and understanding Jamaat etc.

2- This hadith indicates that it is permissible to collect inter-salats for the purpose of continuing the journey.


3- According to this hadith, it is permissible to read Zuhr and Asr and Maghrib and Isha together while traveling. It is proven whether the deposit is presented or delayed. The Hanaf are not convinced of the real plural, they are convinced of the sury plural. But the hadith of Jami Tirmidhi proves that this plural is not a formal plural but a real plural, which means that when you set off on a journey before sunset, you would delay Zuhr and combine it with Asr. He used to pay them both together and when he started his journey after sunset, he used to pay Asr and Zuhr together. (Jami al-Tirmidhi, Jama'ah, Hadith: 553) Imam Tirmidhi has called this hadeeth hasan. And it is also supported by the Hadith of Mustaharj Abu Na'im, which the author, may Allah have mercy on him, mentioned. And this is the case. Allah knows best.

4-The form of collection is best which is easy.

5- This hadith reveals the gentleness, compassion and concession of the Prophet ﷺ towards his traveling companions.

6- This hadith also shows that it is permissible to offer prayer in congregation even while traveling.

7- When performing two prayers together, it is not a condition to make the intention of combining before saying the salam of the first prayer. This is the correct and correct religion.

8- As for the jurists, they have gone to three sides in this issue:

(A) Some scholars have not considered the gathering between the two of them permissible at all, except for Muzdalifah and Arafa, and according to them, the reason for gathering on these two occasions is the performance of Hajj and not the journey.


(b) Some scholars have worked with extreme expansion in this chapter, even they have kept plural as permissible without any excuse. According to these gentlemen, the timing of the five-fold prayer is for the sake of excellence and not for the sake of excellence.

(C) While some scholars have adopted a mixed opinion in this chapter. Therefore, they say that if there is a Shariah excuse for congregation, then congregation is permissible, otherwise it is obligatory to perform every prayer at its time. Undoubtedly, this view is valid and correct.

If you want more information about related The order of the gathering of inter-Sultanites in the journey than watch thisVideo

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