in powerclub •  11 days ago 

On the authority of Sayyiduna,,Abdullah,,bin-Amr-bin-As,,,RA, the Messenger of Allah,,,,ﷺ,،،said:

"Whoever misses the prayer will be with Qarun,,,firoun,,,Haman,,and,,Obi--bin--Khalaf on the Day of Resurrection."...(Sahih--ibn--Hibban:--1467,--Judd--isnadah--Ibn--Abdul--Hadi)

Imam Ibn Qayyim (RH)..(751__AH)...says:

"Man misses prayer due to four reasons;,,Wealth,,,kingdom,,,employment or trade....So the one who was preoccupied with wealth will be with Qarun,,,and the one who was preoccupied with kingship will be with Pharaoh,,,and the one who was preoccupied with work will be with Haman,,,and the one who was preoccupied with trade will be with Obi bin Khalaf.”...(Book,,of,,Prayers:::70)

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