The Art of handling Portfolio for maximum Profit

in portfolio •  8 months ago 

By now who so ever is in the market must have a portfolio, If not then make sure to start maintaining it so that you can check out your coins at one place and take decision related to them. Now what is the Art of handling portfolio? In simple words it is the practice and confidence that you build by continuous experience in crypto market through which you exit on a long term coin and take entry in new coins.

I never suggest anyone to take risk on their long term holding specially if they have researched well on those coins but if there are coins you are holding for long term and they are not giving you gains in over a year or two then you can exit from those coins ( partially) and take entry along the trend.

Here I will like to give a example of the coins like XLM, It was not even able to give 2X in last one year where the coin rotated around 0.09-0.16 but you know even if you bought at the least price and sold at the highest the gains would still not meet 2X here so if you have XLM maybe selling a portion of it to buy layer 2 bitcoin tokens can be beneficial at this time.

Layer 2 coins like Arb and Optimism are also an option here. This is my opinion and not a financial advice, you should always do your own research to take steps and make changes in your portfolio. For me I think these two tokens will reach double digits in bull run. So this is what we call the art of handling crypto Portfolio. I must say that it further take you to a scenario where you might buy back the coins you sold.

Floating the money from one place to another is how we make the max gains, I will talk about his in future blogs. Also all the screenshots taken and used in this blog were from coingecko, so credits to them.


Golem Overlord - Join here

Golem Overlord

Golem Overlord is also one of the best games built on Hive blockchain. It was the game that gave tremendous return to it's player who joined in early. One of my friend suggested me this game two months back and that was the time when i started playing it.

Golem Overlord is a little bit similar to Terracore but both have their own selling point as well. In Terracore you have planets and Terracore is a old game that is why the development there is more compared to Golem Overlord.

But we are seeing regular updates from Golem Overlord and the team is making sure to bring in new features for the players. This is one pf the reasons why i can recommend Golem overlord to anyone reading this blog.



If you have played PUBG then you will know what is team death match, this game has that game mode for now where two teams starts again each other and the team with most number of kills win the match. Your rewards are also based on your kill to die ratio. If your KD was 20 then you will be awarded with 20 Doom tokens at the end of the game.

So the feeling of playing COD or Pubg can now be enjoyed on hive blockchain as well. Feel free to join it as well and i gaurantee you that you will not regret joining this game. See you on the other side of this blog.

Thank you

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