Quotes From Others
Singer, songwriter, and actress Dolly Parton on gratitude:
"I make a point to appreciate all the little things in my life, because I learned early that if you don't, you get disappointed a lot. If you do, you might be pleasantly surprised quite often.
I go out and smell the air after a good, hard rain. I re-read passages from my favorite books. I hold the little treasures that somebody special gave me. By keeping my eyes open for unexpected joys, I find the world gives back more than we sometimes think."
Source: Dream More (paraphrased)
Software engineer Marissa Mayer, who was an early employee at Google and eventually became CEO of Yahoo, on how she grew throughout her career:
"I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that's how you grow — when there's that moment of, 'Wow, I'm really not sure I can do this,' and you push through."
Source: MAKERS Interview
James Clear - Weekly Newsletter.............
Author of Atomic Habits
Creator of the 3-2-1 Newsletter
Founding Author of Authors Equity