One more example of Industrial Fascism from our 'government' handlers!

in politics •  2 years ago 

The credit card companies are helping the fascist government in the USA, actively track firearm related purchases in real time.

More data mining that they have No right to do!

I have seen this from several sources:

But you can Google it for yourself, if you want to read more! They obviously intend to bypass the Second Amendment restraints by substituting big business data bases for the data base the feds can't retain, by Law. Following the letter of the Law, while violating the spirit of that same Law!

The bottom line? If you want to safely buy right now, use cash. That will work short term, but they plan to have control over that soon too.

As I posted recently, when you deal with a bank with cash; they want ID, and SS number, for cash deposits! As they close their cash fingers around our economic throats, their power grows. When we loosen those cash fingers, they have less control over us!

When they go to cashless electronic dollars, their money control will be complete. They will call in the paper dollars soon after that, and then make the illegal to have!

Sadly very predictable, and dangerous!

THIS is the time to convert dollars to hard assets, while the dollar still has some value....

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Yup, I posted about this too. In fact I'm pretty sure I used the term corporate fascism too. PPPs for sure...with the global government. Best way we can make this difficult is buy as much goods in cash as we can. If people refuse to use the cash aps, they can't go cashless. Never scan QR codes! It's an electric fence.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great minds, ROFLOL! It IS corporate fascism, and we both see it, as many do. It is a dark time in our Republic's History...too much evil!

I have been moving to cash myself, I will do a lot more of that now! If everything is cash, their tracking effectiveness will be significantly reduced. If all purchases are cash, they can't track firearm or ammo purchases; mixed in with food, gas, and supplies.

It is Not convenient, but it is sadly necessary! I saw last night that taxes now cost more than food clothes and health insurance combined. That was stunning!!!!


Hubby pulls out cash for the week from the bank every week. We buy everything in cash. Groceries. Everything. We don't even have a debit card. Just 2 credit cards and cash. We got rid of everything else many years ago. He writes checks for the bills. We don't so online banking. He has a smartphone but doesn't use aps.

We need the majority of people to do the same.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm a little different, I have only debit cards. Credit card companies are vipers, and I no longer use them! Checks give them a record too, but I agree with paying bills that way.

I have some auto debited bills, but I plan on paying cash for the rest. With auto deposits, the bank has first dibs. Going to be paying as much as possible with cash, just to get out of the system. It has to cost visa etc, which looks good right now!


  ·  2 years ago  · must not be a genius to see that coming our way, that´s another reason why its so important to have a way of using crypto in an mostly anonymous way, and hey this includes looking for another way to avoid credit cards here too, because using a cc for cashing out or depositing a crypto related account is really stupid when having these aforesaid measures in mind ;)

The idea behind BTC wasn´t to use it with a credit card but use it as a security against worthless FIAT and their cooperating partners and middleman like the VISA and MASTERCARD guys are.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The monitoring is data collection, as you say; in a perfect World, this wouldn't be dangerous. But when evil people get control of this data, they will use it for control purposes!

It is their nature, so we Must remove them from power; to limit the damage, and retain our freedoms. They will continue to push, until they are removed from power; so That needs to be our goal!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

fully agree with your conclusion !

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They are very predictable, and can't help themselves!

But I'm tired of their pushing, they want evil things.
