I tried to deposit in my sister's account at her credit union!

in politics •  2 years ago 

My Sister had some unplanned expenses and askede for help for a couple of days. I kind of watch out for my Sister's, because my Father would want me to; so I told her I would!

I want to the Tulsa Teacher's Credit Union with cash:


I have done this in the past, with zero problems. This time, they asked who I was; and couldn't 'find' me online (I'm rather happy with that, I've been destroying my Google data for years!), so they wanted me to come inside and show photo I. D. ( Good thing I wasn't voting, LOL!) Including my Social Security number!

I told them no, especially since they also wanted my Social Security number. I told them I was depositing Cash, and they said That was specifically why they needed my I. D.!

Have any of you ever run into this? Having a cash deposit refused?

I told them they had NO right to even request my information. They insisted that they did, I told them to kiss off, and left! I will have no more contact with them, for any reason!!!!

So beware, this may be originated in new DC tracking laws. I'm not sure, just guessing there!


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I wonder that this happend now the first time to you.
I and my family and all my companies had this issues for more than 10 years here in my old country of birth Germany but also in Spain where I actually live, and in London UK or in Cyprus and Italy where I lived before.

In Spain and Italy actually you "must" show the source of the cash if
more than 1000€ even when you will transfer it in your own accounts, and you can´t deposit it if you aren´t able to do so !

In Germany it was before 10k€ actually its just 3k€ but they can ask you to provide the proof where the money came from even when the amount isn´t that big. You even can´t deposit more than 1k€ in an ATM they willshow a message that you have to go into the bank and deposit it inside, because the stupid ATM don´t verify your identity .

But hey that´s not the worst thing, that´s when you like to get cash from your account value, they will ask you why you want to take it out, for what reason, andif the amount is bigger than 1 to 5k€ they will tell you that you have to ask for that withdrawal at least 1 or 2 working days before, because they had to get that money from another branch or the central bank to hand it out to you !

Does this sound to you like this is your money ?

We´re living in very strange times, better not think about.
Hehe and better not use banks, I like to call back the times when my salary was paid out in cash in an envelop to me at the end of the month ;)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was not aware of the problems overseas, but it doesn't surprisee at all! I've just never seen it myself, and it is totally unacceptable!!!!

Converting fiat currency into hard assets, is becoming more critical every day!

The only thing good is that they couldn't find me on an internet search (and yes he tried), so staying off the radar is working.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yes, indeed and that´s a must for everyone who is online not to show to much of your real identity or at least mix stories a bit up and use some kind of shielding.
I normally avoid to use banks if possible, regarding to my business its not as easy as an individual but with a bit of knowledge and learning some new skills it work out in most cases very well.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Dockduckgo helps, I also stripped my phone of all apps. I allow no location information, that combined with the lack of location from the apps;means that they decided I live 2500 miles west!

That, combined with bad information deliberately added, has them guessing.

But the banks have no right to this information! One of Tyranny's small steps....


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hehe that´s cool man, you´re doing right, I use for apps a hacked phone which is traveling around the worl with some friends of mine, that´s always funny to see the them fail to get a fixed location.
We used to be free, but is getting harder nowadays with all that highend spy tools what they made us a slave of leastly, you have to learn fast to beat them with their own strategy.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I like the Trogan Horse phone idea! I think I'll try that myself I use a tablet, that isn't 'me'; so they don't know who uses it by VPN!

Protocol has one free encoded email, and one free VPN! Free is good....


All transactions must be fully documented......it's....for....your....safety! LOL. I think the banks are all under orders to literally document fully all transactions for later reporting. You did the smart thing. You'll just have to get the money to her another way.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Done, and done...after I finished telling them what I thought of their policy, and where they could shove it!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's no good, sorry to hear it. Sounds like you are doing right by your Dad, that's solid, I wish more people cherished their close family members...

You may be right, new laws and regulations might be coming into effect. Up here in Canada, Costco no longer accepts prepaid credit cards, and there are many changes like that lately. It does seem like the financial system is reorganizing behind the scenes, in preparation for a whole new game.

I think if you try and transact in cash over $3000 here, you have to report who you are and what you're up to. I hear that amount was being reduced to just $1000 but I don't know if it went info effect. Not a free market economy at all.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Looks like it might be the case, more tyrannical regulations every day! There is no bottom where they won't go, and no low they won't stoop to.

This was only $250, so their tracking has already reached toxic levels! Soon, we will be forced to barter to get what we need. They insert themselves into everything and every transaction; like a spider in a web! Nothing is free, economy included; while they live off of our very lifeblood!!!!

Hitler himself would be jealous of this kind of power and control....
