Do Not Believe a Word the Canadian Government Says - We Are Crashing Worse than 2008

in politics •  3 years ago 

The US Dollar is the worlds reserve currency at the moment, with innovations like cryptocurrency and the Chinese digital yuan, this macroeconomic movement to procure global reserve currency is very contentious.

The Canadian financial sector is hemorrhaging, I have a source that I cant disclose until he finds his new job, but he works for a very large bank. He recent sold every asset he owns in Canada and fled the country.

The Canadian government under the sociopathic rule of Trudeau, has manifest a 7 Billion dollar deficit on top of the out of control debt they are already taxing us for as the public.

Poilievre has filed to split Bill C-2 into two separate pieces. One would focus on supports for businesses while the other would address aid for individuals.

Bill C-2 is worth $7.4 Billion that will be taxed out of the tax payer.

"We are not supporting C-2," he said. "It eliminates the emergency response benefit and replaces it with a lockdown benefit that no one can access now, because no region is in lockdown at the moment."

So no where is locked down, but they are passing a Bill for relief in locked down areas, I wonder where this is going?

Self employment going down is being misrepresented as people seeking financial security. There is no one getting a 2nd job because they feel financially secure.

Carbon Tax is a Band-Aid

The governments around the world using climate alarmism to push their agenda and procure young idealist voters who are unaware of the science that the tectonic plates in Australia can tell us about the false hood of global warming.

The temperatures around the world have been rising since the last ice age, that's common knowledge, not alarming new evidence of climate change.

Australia's ocean levels have been declining for 7000 years. This is evident in the ocean Crustacean fossils that can be found surrounding the entire land mass from many different locations across 2 different oceans.


The carbon tax being placed on the claims established at the Paris Accord, is not justified with enough evidence to support such extreme tax levied against the general public. This new carbon tax for January 1st 2021, will be 60% in Canada which will be a major foot for the $7.4 Billion dollar Bill C-2.


A tax for morons who do as they are told, smart Canadians are getting crypto.


Bill C-2 ($7.4 Billion deficit):
Australian Ocean Levels:

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sounds like some smart Canadians are getting out of Canada!
ref your friend.
But to where?

mexico probably

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

lol I'm in Jeff Berwick's group called Escaping Canada, but i am honestly considering moving to Saudi Arabia because I would be living under a new set of laws in a kingdom which is way less interested in my private affairs and will never charge me a capital gains tax.

Just the lack of Capital Gains tax would make every trade I make, legally double as profitable.

Ok for men I spose but not a safe place for women. My sister worked in Saudi for a while as a midwife I think she had to stay 'on campus' or have a male escort to go 'out'. No idea what it's like now tho. Be interesting to find out.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I had the same interpretation as you, but my friend was there for a month now and he keeps telling me his wife who is of Asian decent from Cambodia is being treated really well, she doesnt wear any of the religious head gear or anything. He feels safer there than Cambodia if that makes any sense.

I still wouldn't trust the Saudi's as a single woman myself.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wish there was a government that was a kingdom, like Saudi Arabia but more so moderate and gender neutral, not saying i want all that LGBTQ bullshi8t in my life either, but i can coexist with gays a lot easier than women beaters.

Yeh I had many gay friends in London (virtually everyone there IS gay lol) and they were fun indeed. I don't think you're allowed to be openly gay in Saudi however I hear little boys are fair game.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Move to anywhere that is not controlled by the british monarch or her bullshit definition of freedom in her shit countries.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The housing market in China is collapsing and a major lender has defaulted on its debt in China. Things are going to get a whole lot worse in the coming months.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I buy all my technology from South Korea or Taiwan, so as long as the mines dont shut down in china, i have nothing to loose if that country disappeared over night, someone else would capitalize on their loss.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

1974 they fucked you up, your current alleged leaders dad. IMF/world bank, fed alleged Jews.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It all goes back to the banking secrecy act here in north America, the founding fathers had actually taken a few steps to let the public protect themselves from the central banking cartel without realizing it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

IMF sell out, 1974, if you look at the chart pre 1974, you lot were doing really well with almost zero debt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This picture says it all, good find. Its easy to see at face value living here how worthless our economy has become, but confusing from how hard we work.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wrote about it back in the steemit days, I have a memory like an elephant :-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It was Justin Trudeau's father that sold you out to the IMF in 74.

The fiat system was always gonna crash eventually, they've been talking about it since as long as I can remember. Looks like it's happening now and they are trying to sneak in their new system on the back of it. On the ground we will be back to bartering. Grow your own food, start yesterday.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Im actually learning how to make bread for this reason pretty much, I cant imagine having to make it by hand though, the mixing phase alone is hours long.

Not at all! I've learned to make sourdough bread and I only mix for a couple minutes. I will probably do a sourdough tutorial at some point on here. It's so easy you'll kick yourself.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Does it have gluten because there is a celiac in my household and that's one of the main obstacles we have to overcome with a recipe both of us agree on. We have been buying 2 different bread brands for years and decided its time to go independent and make it on our own to our liking.

yes it has gluten and to be quite blunt I used to be caeliac too until I realised I was not allergic to gluten at all, it is the chemicals in the wheat that cause the symptoms of caeliac. I found that if I only ate organic wheat I did not have any problem. Also with sourdough the fermentation process breaks down the gluten making it more easily digestible. Sourdough uses the actual bacteria (biome) of the wheat to ferment the dough instead of commercial 'yeast' which is not from the same biome, I heard yeast is made from E-coli these days. Sourdough is the original form of yeast used to make bread for centuries.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the organic wheat tip, my lady actually had no idea about that and we are going to do an experiment now. Her symptoms are mild so 1 sandwich with some gluten is not the end of the world.

if the results are good i will even blog about this and tag you for credit

YAY good luck, let me know how it goes xx

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Fiat always reverts to face value, nothing, history is no fool, 100 years on average before Fiat collapses, every time, the USA have had a good run, but then again it took gold theft to keep it going, and oil theft.