Cognitive Dissonance is a Mental Illness Common in Politics

in politics •  3 years ago 

When discussing politics the other day, I had an interesting reflection dawn on me as the conversation took a turn for the "we need to end this conversation" part of our bipartisan reality here in Canada.

It was actually not even a conversation about Canadian politicians. I had debated Elizabeth Warren (Edit, i had said elizabeth may, but we have a socialist with the same name in Canada.) ideas on taxation and the other participant was engaged and concerned about the taxation of unrealized gains.

Being interested in the whole picture of cryptocurrency myself, I was curious about the across the isle interpretation of this policy. It was obviously not well received by right wing senators, Ted Cruz told congress to sit down and shut up about the crypto they don't understand.

We laughed reminiscent of Ted Cruz quotes, then I proceeded to say a no no name I guess???

I brought up Rand Paul, saying I wonder what a really staunch conservative would say, not just Ted Cruz being rationale and appealing to reason. Before I could finish the sentence wondering about what Rand Paul would say, the other participant notified me she would no longer be able to discuss politics with me anymore....

This is cognitive dissonance, we discussed right and left, then 1 name caused her to change the entire topic.

It's not just TDS that is ruining our public forum, it's many people who can't use their critical thinking skills after hearing certain names or words. They call these trigger words I hear, if that's the case that talking about bipartisan is too much for you,

I will humbly remind you, I do not care about your feelings whatsoever. Go cry to God or go church if you're unable to cope with society.

I don't forgive people for mental illness like this, I am so tired of seeing people with an IQ below 80 talk about things they don't understand and use cognitive dissonance to change the topic.

How is it possible we can't talk about Rand Paul?

Is he imaginary?

Logically speaking of course...

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I didn’t even know what “trigger”or triggering words even meant but I notice now that people will suddenly walk away if you say certain words. It’s really strange. I guess it’s like the old adage….never talk Politics, Money or Religion … or something like that.

I will see if I can find the original quote…

One sec.





One sec..

Here it is…


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thats what cognitive dissonance is, changing your views due to the status quo, so makes sense that someone would want to turn off the light in their head because they cant handle how sick the world really is.