RE: CORONA COURT DECISION - elaboration about law and paradoxes.

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CORONA COURT DECISION - elaboration about law and paradoxes.

in politics •  2 years ago 

Very interesting!!! Here are some bits that stood out to me:

In truth, the editor-in-chief did not and does not know what the majority actually wants and thinks

Just because the major media and governments say we are few, does not mean we are few.

this majority came into being precisely because of the introduced law

Love this!!! As with the commandments, they made "sinners" when they made this law.

With the law, however, an attempt has been made to turn the state of emergency into normality,

which was obvious to us sinners from the start.

It's easy to become loud if the law is backing you up, right?

It eventually becomes easy to be loud even when the law is not backing you up.

No one followed the rules draconically except those who did, which, when you think about it, will really have been very few.

even fewer, I hope, the next time this BS comes around.

Really enjoyed this essay!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I enjoyed writing this, as it also included positive news because the journalist won the case and her employer was sentenced wrong to fire her from her job.
It remains to be seen whether he will appeal against the court's decision. I noticed when I read the comments under the article that many were very negative about the measures, which surprised me because Focus (the magazine that published the matter) is considered a mainstream media.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Whenever I read comments under one of these things, they are mostly negative about the measures. So I call on anyone who is suspicious about the measures, to not comply with them when they come back. Just say no! Do not patronize businesses that require masks, continue to shake hands and break bread with anyone, hug your friends. Have parties. Refuse!!!!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You speak in my church, sister :) I shared a beer with a complete stranger in the summer of 2020. We met on a park bench, she and her boyfriend were pushing their bikes looking for a seat. I invited them to have a seat next to me (quite deliberately). They accepted and we had a most refreshing chat. At some point she offered me a sip from her bottle and I took it. Then her boyfriend said he unfortunately had to work and whether he should get us two more fresh beers? We said yes and he actually did! What a beautiful and spontaneous encounter that was. We were all aware that what we were doing could very well be prosecuted, but we didn't care. I will never forget that.
Just like a couple who wanted to go to the public park with a pram, which had been closed for months (supposedly for renovation work). They must have been fed up with it, just as my husband and I were about to see if the gate was still locked. All of a sudden, the man pulled out a side cutter from the pram below and snip (!) he cut the lock and we all went into the park. We praised this act of the two so innocent looking young parents and laughed. :D

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This story has made me very happy.

I never stopped sticking out my hand when I met someone new. Some took it, some did not, but I learned who was complying and who was not with that very simple act.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What about the hugging ? My favorite ;)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hug! Hug everyone you love freely and without fear! It's good for your health!!! Best thing there is for your health. Love. xo

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I hug everyone , i love hugs 💗

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't hug everyone. When the jabbed started hugging everyone just because they had been jabbed, I was skeeved out! People I barely knew were throwing open their arms! After months of not wanting to be within six feet of me, suddenly they were embracing me. Unless I told them I wasn't jabbed. Then they drew back, terrified, and put on a mask. Strangest times ever. They were terrified of me! I'm a little old lady! lol

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