Of Russians, Americans, Europeans, the Don and a constitutional lawyer

in politics •  3 years ago 

Attempt at a clean reappraisal of what is, to say the least, a terrible topic for many


...while rummaging through old contacts and their websites I once again found a reference to the Ukraine issue, a bit older, but many times clearer and more unambiguous than some others. At least try to let the details work, which an absolutely respected German constitutional lawyer gave to the best. I am inclined to believe him more than many others who shout into the woods. And yes, I was immediately electrified when I heard this statement in the article, but read it for yourself and then decide, with not much room for interpretation left in the current situation.

First act - the so-called annexation of Crimea by Russia or simplified V. Putin in my research.

Statement by Prof. Dr. Schachtschneider aud the AWK (Alternative Knowledge Congress) in Witten 2015 on this:

"This is propaganda in itself, it was not an annexation, it was the support of a secession, every state in the world, according to the "friendly Act" of 1970, unanimously decided in the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), is obliged to support a secession - if it is suppressed by the state of the secessionist ! That is what Vladimir Putin did! He was obliged to do so under international law.

here >>> the link to the video/ from minute 24:09 to 31:00 the passage is quite accurate.

Act Two -Own thoughts on the current absolutely comparable situation.

The beginning was the same, Russian Donbass residents were harassed, abducted, tortured and disappeared without a trace continuously since 2014 after the Crimea action, nothing was lacking in the toolkit of atrocities, resignations from the state were formulated by the minority, and these were directly suppressed by Ukraine.
So exactly the conditions to intervene according to the UN Charter and help the oppressed and resigning people - but unfortunately this does not fit at all into the plans of the initiator of the UN, who never abides by his own rules, by this I mean of course the USA for all those who do not know who created the UN, the IMF or IMF, the WHO, NATO and various other oppressive and controlling institutions.
In 2014, regime change and the associated eastward expansion of NATO didn't really work, but now they want to do better and complete it.

Third act - no, actually already the fourth or fifth, I just don't count a few smaller ones anymore

Today, on the 3rd day of research for the article 25.07.22 at the crack of dawn (07:19), the following report came over the ticker "Ukrainian forces launch offensive in Kherson" (already on Friday) here is the link to the report
The enemy (the Russians, and indeed the Russians who have lived in the Donbass for years) was allegedly bombed while the decision of the pro-Russian referendum in the Kherson region was still pending to prevent this.
This is again the UN definition in its purest form - the Russian minority wants to make it known that it wants to join Russia - and is prevented from doing so by the Ukrainian state of residence, which cares so much about them, with bombs!

This is what war crimes look like, the little kappo of the Ukraine-US puppet hates the Russians so much that he not only screams for more weapons and more money every night in a TV address, but simply behaves even worse than the supposedly so evil Russian.

This is and remains a witch hunt, neither the UN, nor the USA, the EU, Canada, nor anyone else takes seriously the UN resolution from 1970 called the "Friendly Act", which was passed unanimously by all UN members, but they want to accuse the Russian of irregular behaviour, what irony.

If anywhere the term duplicity or double-speak applies, it is here!
If UN resolutions are supposed to have meaning, then they should have legal effect, regardless of who the aggressor is, which in this case was not the Russian for the third time (until 2014, from 2014-2022 and from 2022 onwards), but the Ukrainian himself, now with NATO weapons and ammunition.

In the broadest sense, this is also a war crime and a crime against humanity, but no one seems to care, because oh yes, the Russian was declared the bad guy, so the target was marked, the direction clear, error impossible, eyes closed and through until the good guys triumphed over the bad guys!

The only question is, which good guys, who impose their opinions, their way of life, their view of the economy and their lying ideology of the peacekeeper (who only has his own trade and power interests in mind) on others, through contracts with specially created organisations ?

Nobody seems to be interested in the economic aspect. Yet this would be a very important indicator of what will really happen, or is happening, and who can possibly win.

The opponents in the check:

The USA (the string-puller) has not been able to pay off its debts for decades and therefore needs inflation to make the debts disappear. However, it is per se the main beneficiary in economic terms because of all the arms sales not only to Ukraine but also to the NATO member states and several other previously so-called rogue states which are now being supplied with weapons in return for the sanctioned stuff (energy in the form of oil, gas and other production raw materials such as nickel, palladium, gold, silver, etc.) from there.

UKRAINE is now so indebted to its mastermind that it has no room for manoeuvre of its own. According to purely economic criteria, the country is insolvent -as determined by the world's largest rating agencies- (actually, this is what they wanted to achieve with Russia). It continues to need arms supplies and ammunition, which will lead to further indebtedness. The beautiful modern weapon systems of the type HIMARS devour hundreds of thousands of $ with one attack per system, all systems (14-16 currently) together make up another 1.4 to 1.6 million $ of burnt credit per day, the cashburn-rate is adventurous!

The RUSSIANS are not really economically dependent on the USA or the EU, otherwise the rouble would not be on the way up and the $ and the € against the rouble on the way down. The punitive measures or sanctions orchestrated by the US boys (and the dependent NATO and EU states) are now mainly working against the initiators, that was actually already clear beforehand. In short, the Russians have all the trump cards on their side and, in the sense of the UN Charter, actually also international law (at least at the beginning of the so-called special action, and now again where Ukraine is preventing the seceding parts of the population from doing so with bombs from NATO).

Ukraine cannot win even with the help of the USA, which is bankrupt itself, alone certainly not they will run out of money sooner than the Russians, who still have valuable assets and are now selling them to other buyers.

The EU states have very few light in the head, most are unfortunately absolutely incapable of assessing their situation correctly, they were also almost all broke at least since 2014, they were only saved by the ECB and the money of the main payers, i.e. Germany and France. The only ones who have a bit of perspective are the Hungarians and, in a good moment, the Spaniards, maybe now also the Italians if the People's Party takes the helm there, but that will still take a few months.
Yes, the Hungarians dared to contradict the gas and oil embargo, called it complete nonsense, branded it unacceptable for the people and rejected it, I have great respect for such a completely correct and understandable action by a genuine representative of the people.
...and I would have liked the Germans to have had the same willpower, but well-washed puppets prefer to let their people freeze and, in case of doubt, even make laws that enforce the saving of energy and punish violators severely. (I doubt that they themselves will submit to these constraints - there will certainly be exceptions, after all, no one had to give up their salary during C).
The EU economies are now ALL badly affected by a completely wrong and blinded view of things, that's just the way it is when the Lord and Master wants it that way.
But now to the strongest EU state in the community to date, at least in terms of economic power:

GERMANY - the Germans are currently neither economically nor militarily capable of surviving this situation without a total loss. They have acted too stupidly in the past and have manoeuvred themselves into a dead end with no way out. And now this blind obedience to cheap and largely false (not to say falsified) information with which one sells out one's own population without any real need (this is not really new, only this time it has a completely different quality) who knows the oath of office knows it, I mean it says to avert harm from the German people!

It is no longer a question of whether the economy will suffer after 2 years with C and now this suicide mission, no it is clearly visible that it is already burning in almost every sector including the banks, even if the balance sheet data obscure this picture a little but there it is about the past not about the now and tomorrow ;)

And yet the ruling troops think that everything can be solved if only the citizens freeze a little, leave the lights off and continue to buy overpriced electric cars (from what, actually?) so that they can continue to drive to work and pay a few more euros in taxes to continue to pay the assholes up there.
What effect does it have if people take showers with cold water, no one is allowed to take a bath any more anyway, and turn off the lights, the TV, maybe even the freezer and the washing machine, turn down the heating?
I bet that the total amount of electricity what was saved by the people than is not more than what is wasted for the stupid representational behaviour of the state and, of course, the fuel for all the domestic and international flights of our beloved leaders, I'd rather not talk about the CO² footprint now.
In addition, they all seem to have ignored the fact that tax revenues will drop dramatically if there is no more full production anywhere (for whom?).

Ministers of economy who make decisions for "not using" energy from evil sources (by the way, there are no non-evil energy suppliers on the globe - all of them are dirty, all of them) should at least have concluded all supply contracts exactly with other suppliers beforehand, not be in negotiations, that is stupid, dangerous and unprofessional - an entrepreneur does not do such things because it endangers his company.

The short form of these lines is, Germany cannot survive this unscathed without coming much closer to bankruptcy itself much faster than it ever was before, but I fear that there will be no repetition of the economic miracle in a world where one is on the wrong side, economically as well as ideologically.
What all this means for the citizens and their perceived prosperity is anyone's guess.

The economy was already in decline before C, then 2 years of C and now the renunciation of energy and progress in favour of a lie that, as usual, the Americans have spread.

This, my dear readers, is a whole flock of black swans, not just one !

This time it will not remain with a few small adjustments it will be like a total loss and as we know the repair takes quite a long time there and makes no economic sense at all, but you can't throw everything away and buy new, can you?

Despite everything, sunny greetings from Andalusia

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