Fuck the American Government they´re a bunch of liars !

in politics •  2 years ago 

k-2020-04-05 1.jpg
(picture from Estepona Spain from the start of the Covid19 circus)

I had that smell for month now in the nose that these silly guys are massively involved in that, not only in pressing all their Allies to a war against Russia, but also in the blowing up of the Northstream 1 and 2 Pipelines which delivered cheap energy for Germany and the rest of the European countries.

Now the cat is out of the bag, one of the best reporters ever with a amazing track record has revealed that the US-Boys had blown up the Pipeline just like lame Joe Biden and bad Victoria Nuland told the public long before that this will happen no doubt about.

Now we got it, just on our table, we will see who will have the balls to show up and say hey hell yes that´s what we´ve done, its a good chance of pushing our business forward and gain a good chunk of money on that beside to make it really difficult for our Allies to withstand our wishes to run against Russia, we know what we do, and yes we can !

To be clear, like the little WH-Speaker is always saying, this shows what kind of partner the US is to their Allies !

I don´t give a shit on what these guys have done in the past for Germany after the second world war (which also was funneld by the US boys) so come on they started it, then they came out to play the nice friend and just try to help, but indead they just get out the most of the country they could (until today, this hasn´t stopped after the war, Germany is still an occupied country from the US-Boys).

And these guys are telling the world what they had to do or not, I wonder why the american people not realize what´s really going on with that bunch of idiots and warmongers in their government, I guess its time for a second round for Trump to sweap the table and clean up the shit a bit at least, because if that won´t happen I guess the Chinese will give a little help to sweap up all the human waste in the american leadership to get them a little nearer down to earth and back to their normal place in the world order ;)

Don´t get me wrong I´m not against the American people (I got more than half of our Familiy tree over there) but I hate the way their government is fooling everyone including their own citizens just to fill their own pockets and have a good living don´t matter what the rest has to come over their days.

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