engl. translation of my last post about the Situation in the Ukrain

in politics •  2 years ago 

Guys, I'm probably making myself absolutely unpopular once again, but I didn't care until now and I won't care any more, I've been like this my whole life, a padded cell with its rounded and padded corners would probably be the only place where I can't really get into trouble 😎

What is going on in the western world, the former haven of peace founded by the great guardians of freedom, the USA (oh God, I'd rather not think about that sentence any longer)?

Everyone seems to accept what is being spread from Washington and their media !

The almighty warrior JOE BIDEN has known all this before he stated oficially, as his predecessor(s) in the years 2013-2015 have also known that they will have a new ally who will secure and push NATO's eastward expansion, they have finally had the regime itself replaced.

Is it really all as it is being portrayed ? Is the Russian really the bad guy, or has he simply become a victim of the chess players in the "oval office"?

It's bad what's happening over there in Ukraine right now, but hey the most important thing I think most people are overlooking in this story is who's really benefiting !

The losers were already known:

  • the Russians as the evil aggressor,
  • the Ukrainian people with a completely destroyed state.

The main profiteer, however, was also already clear, as the game has been played in Ukraine for more than 9 years, it is the USA and the institutions controlled by them, such as the IMF and many more.

Big JOE has just announced (20th of April) that the USA has approved another 800 million in military aid in Congress, in addition to what has already been approved and partially provided. One of the most important steering instruments of the USA to control the global economy the IMF (International Monetary Fund) is as involved as ever.

The Ukrainian President has applied to the IMF for $5 billion per month on 20.01.22 to maintain the country's economy !!!! The IMF itself estimates that 7 billion a month is needed, not counting the costs of reconstruction, which are estimated to be in the 3-digit billion range.

The EU has approved arms deliveries for a further 1.5 billion on 20.04.2022, Spain itself is supplying 200 tonnes of military equipment to Ukraine, and so it goes on for ages.

This means that Ukraine is financially totally dependent on the USA and its institutions and the friendly EU and NATO countries, with a debt balance of about 20-30 billion according to the above list, plus the costs for reconstruction, so it should certainly add up to 100-200 billion, the largest part of these debts to the IMF and the USA directly.

Anyone who knows how the IMF works (by the way, the current head of the ECB, Christine Lagarde, was previously the head of the IMF for many years) knows that the contracts are merciless, as Argentina recently experienced. Securities are agreed in values that always have to do with the exploitation of the territories, i.e. oil, gas, mineral and ore deposits and also production areas for food, as well as rights to establish military bases for NATO (or the EU).

This "friendship" with the supposed peacemakers USA and its vassals could be as expensive for Ukraine as the American friend was and still is for the Germans.

It is time to finally wake up from the comfortable permanent sleep, the US-Leaders is not a peaceful friend, it maintains the most expensive military machine in the world for decades and thus not to protect itself, but to expand its sphere of power (NATO).

Who wants to attack the USA on its island?

I don't think anyone, not even the Evil Russia would think of such a thing, and certainly not the Chinese.

Think about why the war is not already over in Ukraine !
No one would benefit from it except Ukraine itself, it is not a business, never since the second Gulf War have more weapons been produced and sold by the US than now, that is what it is about and the influence right on the doorstep of the "Evil Russian", that is what it is all about, it is calculated business and the Russians and the Ukrainians are the players (not to say the victims) on the chessboard.

Think about it calmly, Germany hasn't got that shit behind it yet either - we are still not free of our friendship with the peacemaker USA.

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