More important than good or bad !

in politics •  2 years ago 


After taking my doze of positivity and break of writing about politics to not lose my mind, I'm back with more power and motivation !

It's as always about ''Divide and conquer''.

Let me think of how many topics we argue about ? A lot. Like really a lot. But do we argue that much about the most important thing ? What's the most important you may ask. I would say a lot. One of that is freedom. But of course not the freedom to fight each other for ridiculous things. And what we usually fight for ? Race, religion, nation, opinion said, or a platform we post in ? And you think that's the most important ?

I just found this video, and I'm full of emotions :

Will you keep supporting the narrative ? Oh, I don't know so how to explain that. Vax, anti-vax ? Pro-Russian, anti-Russian ? Left, right ? Elon lover, Elon hater ? What else, what platform you prefer the most ? Maybe something else ? I think there is a lot.

And again, new Squid Game just started maybe.

So, I guess we are moving from covid plan, to war, to another harder pandemic billy talked about. Monkeypox maybe, that's the plan ? So, you made it with covid, now with the war, so the next level is monkeypox. And what we will have to do ? Anybody knows ? Maybe a special drug ? Maybe to starve and that will be safe and effective ? Because the food crisis they always talked about.

Don't be foolish ! Stop fighting ! Let's unite before it's too late !

We survived the previous plans, let's make it with this one. I'm ready for it. Maybe if we don't want to unite with positivity, worse crisis will make us unite ?

Don't fall in the trap of hatting others. And if you don't like something about somehow it's not the time at all to put your differences in the first place !

Let's put all our difference away and work together on making strong relationships.

Don't you see before the pandemic how close to each other we all were ?

More reasons will be created to divide us.

Let don't let that happen !

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