RE: Russia wants to Disarm and de-Nazify Ukraine, Why?

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Russia wants to Disarm and de-Nazify Ukraine, Why?

in politics •  2 years ago 

And you know that every single word I wrote is a lie and Putin's propaganda because? You saw it on CNN, BBC, or which one exactly?
I'm a Syrian, I don't need to be sent anywhere to know what NATO did, my family lived it firsthand, where were you humanity crier for the past 11 years about Syria, for the past 12 years on Libya, the most prosperous and rich country in northern Africa turned into slaves market and failed state, the past 20 years about Iraq, the past 30 years in Somalia, still ongoing? Ah yeah, the victims there are not 'white with blue eyes'. Guess what, objective reply owner, there are more Syrians with white skin and blue eyes than there is in Ukraine, it's not about humanity, it's about ignorance and bigotry from mainstream media news consumers thinking they're smart by watching the news from NATO-based stations, good luck with that.


And Jewish, like his prime minister, ministers of defense and culture in a country of 45 million Orthodox where the Jews are only 200,000 - 300,000 and they're installed by Jewish Victoria Nuland the wife of Jewish Robert Kagan.
How about that for objectivity?

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