RE: Russia wants to Disarm and de-Nazify Ukraine, Why?

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Russia wants to Disarm and de-Nazify Ukraine, Why?

in politics •  2 years ago 

Zionism is an ideology that appeared in the end of the 19 century and has nothing to do with the Jewish religion other than abuse Judaism to achieve political goals. Zionism to Judaism is what Wahhabism is to Islam, and from Wahhabism we have Al Qaeda and ISIS and Zionism gave us the Irgun, Lehi, Stern, Haganah... terrorist groups.

Do not mix Zionism with Judaism, or consider Judaism as a race, it's a religion and Zionism I personally call it anti-Jewish political movement, just like how I call the Muslim Brotherhood (Turkey's Erdogan's cult) as the anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood, from this brotherhood and Wahhabism we have every terrorist group that appeared, and do note that 99.9% of their victims are other Muslims.

Think of the 3 divine religions like this: First of all God created Adam and he was in direct contact and didn't need a prophet or messenger to tell him about his creator, after a while on Earth, God started sending prophets and messengers to the children of Adam who started to go astray following Satan, we had Idriss followed by Noah, then after them came Ibrahim (Abram - Abraham) who hails from Iraq and had two wives Sarah and Hagar, Isaac and Ismail were the children of Ibrahim, one settled in Palestine and the other in Mecca in Arabia, the first had Jacob (Yacoub) who got nicknamed Israel, see Israel is a person's name not a country not a state, and his children were called the children of Israel. His son Joseph (Yousuf) took them to Egypt after his story and several generations after his death appeared Moses after the Egyptians enslaved them, and we know the story how he brought them back to Palestine and they became the Hebrews who crossed the river / sea and Pharoah drowned in it, from them and after several generations came Jesus as a reminder to the same people and 6 centuries after Jesus came Muhammad but not in Palestine and from the children of Jacob, he came from the children of Ismael in Mecca, the same ancestors, the same people, the same message, the same God call him God, Yehwa, Allah, Lord, it's the same creator keep reminding us to worship him.

Most of the Jews of the children of Jacob and the people they lived among them converted to Christianity and most of the Christians converted to Islam, upgrading their system from version 1 to version 2 to version Z, the last one.

I hope the picture is clear.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You say you are anti-Zionist. Most people will read that as anti- Jewish.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's their problem, I'm responsible for what I write and say and not what people understand. I can't give them brains. Those who cannot tell the difference between a political movement and a religion shouldn't get involved in debates.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks to these 3-stupid religions I no longer believe in God.

If there is a God he must be a complete monster to let humans kill each other like this.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Have you heard of the demiurgus as the gnostics called it?