RE: Russia wants to Disarm and de-Nazify Ukraine, Why?

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Russia wants to Disarm and de-Nazify Ukraine, Why?

in politics •  2 years ago 

@offgridlife @yayogerado: There's a huge debate that was going on and now is on the rise, especially with the USA and Ukraine (under Zelensky) voting against the UN resolution to denounce Nazims and the abstaining of European countries about the entire story of the events leading and during and after WWII, most of which is debatable, most of it is written by the victors of the wars even those each one has their own narrative about the events.

The main questions are: What is Nazism, what is its relation to Zionism, how much was Hitler connected to the USA, and how much the Nazis remained in control after WWII in Europe and beyond, were the victims of the holocaust only Jews? How many exactly were killed there because the story of '6 million Jews killed' keeps popping up from decades before WWII even long before WWI, the New York Times has an interesting article, I don't have now its link, about 6 million Jews killed in Ukraine and the need to support them and they collected massive amounts from donations for that. Citing freedom of speech by the USA and its allies to vote against and abstain from supporting combating Nazism is beyond ridiculous, we've seen how they suppress free speech when they don't like the narrative like what happened during this pandemic which Putin ended with his military operation in Ukraine, the antisemitic laws, banning media from countries they disagree with and a stark example is taking down all of Syria's media from satellites and the internet many years ago, and so on.

The countries that voted on the resolution combating Nazism:

Keep in mind: History is always written by the victors of wars, the first casualty of wars is the truth, there's no unbiased story, there's always evil trying to take more.

If you understand Zionism you'll understand most of the events that happened since the early years of the 19th century through this day. Here's a hint:

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am an Ojibwe Zionist. I believe the Jewish people should return to live in their Jewish Homeland. Israel and Jerusalem. I believe the Ojibwe people should also be given back our lands … maybe all the immigrants should go home.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What is your view on the palestinean people?

i believe we could all get along to a degree without having to make wars but evil exists regardless. I wouldn't say every zionist is a bad person. It is not the people in general i would speak about , but the type of ideals that promote death in the long run. There are radical zionists in major power points in "gov" and are also part of the elite. I don't think they care whether you are a Ojibwe Zionist or not. were not in their "club". Nor do i wish to be ever.

As for land grabs and returning land. It is my belief that no land belongs to anybody. i don't believe in the legitimacy of having property. Certainly no insect or land/sea animal cares about that either. Plenty of space for all to coexist. It's until one wants everything for themselves and the other says over my dead body when things get hectic.

We should be trying to look at this world without having any "borders" (imaginary lines backed by force from gangs aka "gov"). These gangs have leaders too. and they all owe their allegience to them.

Everyone in the world is an immigrant. earth is our home. what are you talking about here?
Why should we have to ask for permission to be in one part or another. We certainly do not get to decide which neighbor we want if they moved in. and just like that we don't have the right to decide who crosses these imaginary borders.

The entire idea of having "gov" is disgusting to me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Because an invading army came to Canada and killed almost all of my Algonquin ancestors. That’s why . This happens again and again,,,, and people seem to have no problem with it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Our ancestors made their choices. And we in modern times have to face the consequences of their actions and inaction. We cannot escape the violence made from our ancestry. EVER. My ancestors were also raped and pillaged to near extinction by the invading spaniards. All in all, we can trace all our bloodlines to the eldest civilization known to man today. The Sumarians.

You see we have all lost ancestors. And yes many people do not care about the past which is why they are doomed to repeat it. Here we stand on the verge of WW3. I myself have been foretelling this that we have been on WW3, but it was on the cyberattack phase. Then it transitioned into economic control tactics through sanctions, evictions, controlled climate crises, and then at last the plandemic flu. I call it a plandemic because it is to my knowledge that this is just a repeat of the Spanish flu where only the vaccinated were killed. You see, the globalist have been in power a very long time. This is not about whom to blame because we already know who to blame. Ourselves. We need to come together and make a harsh decision together as a planet or as communities on becoming self-sustaining. That way, we do not have to pay homage or owe debt to anybody.

I want a world without having to go through politics because politics is just wishful thinking and using magic fairy dust to real world problems. Politicians have no say in what goes on in the work force. They know nothing except to bark orders around and steal from the working class.

I offer alternative ideas to how we can run this world instead of just complaining about the problems at hand.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So you deny that 6 Million Jews died in the Holocaust ? Are you anti Zionist ? Anti Jewish ? Anti Semite ? My Ojibwe ancestors were slaughtered by invaders to my country also.

99% of them were murdered … just like the Jews.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're assuming what I didn't say. I didn't deny 6 Million Jews died in the Holocaust, I added 12 Million others died in two other Holocausts and other 6 Million in even other Holocausts, look it up yourself. There were other people who died in the Holocaust and almost 70 million people in total died in WWII, 26.5 million of them were Russians, not sure if they mean anything to you or only the Jews said to have died during that era.

Being anti-Zionist is different than being anti-Jewish, Judaism is a religion, being anti-Jewish is hate speech, however, Zionism is a political movement, being anti-Zionist is a healthy thing and a must especially taking into consideration the crimes against humanity committed by this political movement and its followers.

Similarly, being anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic is hate speech, however, being anti-ISIS and anti-Muslim Brotherhood and anti-Wahhabism is a good thing, these are extremists who use claim to be Muslims but slaughter mainly Muslims, they're controlled by the same handlers who control the Zionists and the other extremists around the world.

I can't be anti-semite, I'm a Semite myself, all the people of the Levant are Semite people, they're the descendants of Sam son of Noah, unlike the Europeans and Russians including the European and Russian Jews who are not Semite people rather the children of Japheth, Noah's son who went to Europe while Sam remained in the Levant.

I'm sorry you're ignorant of these historical basic facts, I'm not excusing you for attributing things to me that I didn't say.