Unshackled minds - protests Europe.

in politics •  3 years ago  (edited)


The above photo/tweet was this last weekend.

You will not hear about the protests in the MSM or lamestream media. But in Europe there are many every week, people marching against mandatory jabs and mandates full stop.
In some parts of the EU it has forced health ministers to resign and or entire governments like in the Netherlands, the entire government including the foreign minister resigned when parliament was surrounded for days with a very angry mob of citizens.
The MSM headlines read it was a tax scandal, it was in fact people power over mask mandates and vaccine mandates.

Meanwhile other EU countries including Germany have had protests running into the millions of people, France has had weekly protests for months.

A video fresh off the printing press this morning covering France, Brussels, Barcelona, Australia, New Zealand etc.

Embarrassing politicians.

It has been a strange year for polis-named-ticians.
I have yet to see sleepy Joe Biden give a single coherent speech.
Yes most of us know what happened in Rome when his bowels let go independently from his (cough) mind.

Are we to believe he is world leader when he can not even remember or read the script?

It is not only him though. Boris Johnson the crime minister of the UK somehow managed to lose his script so babbled on about peppa pig world instead.
You see without the script, they have no idea what they are supposed to be repeating or talking about, this proves beyond any reasonable doubt that they are actors, if I went in front of a press conference, and felt passionate about what I had to say, I would not even need a script.
Here it is, the single most embarrassing press conference in history, although pick any of Joe Biden's and they run him hard for first place.

I digress.

At a protest in Ireland this weekend, I watched a video of a nurse addressing the crowd, it was on facebook so I sadly can not share this one, if it was on youtube it would get removed anyway.

She was very honest about feeling ashamed of what she and her colleagues had done over the last 2 years.
She opened her heart and let it pour down the microphone about how they had been part of one huge scam regarding the alleged pandemic.
She admitted the hospital staff including herself had been spending months going into empty hospitals while the public were clapping them every Thursday night, she said in no way did they deserve it.
She also stated she had spent 8 hours a day on her phone watching netflix and her PC playing games due to the empty beds.
They had free food from the hospital restaurants, pay rises the lot, she stated if we were supposed to be so busy why were we all doing tik-tok choreographed dance routines.
She was embarrassed about members of the public that they were refusing to treat bringing them pizzas.

The snapping point for her was an email last week, offering overtime pay to lie down in the empty beds to pretend they were full and overwhelmed.

At least she had the courage to blow the whistle and speak up now.

All over the world hospitals have been empty with people not getting treatment some need treating for.
I have long ago lost any faith in hospitals or doctors, but that is my choice, and her speech proved my gut feelings correct with regards them.

Politicians think they can lock us all down time and time again, but if the protests are anything to go by, they are thinking wrong.

If something did not work the first time, why do it all over again?

Have a superb day, and worry not about Peppa pig hey :-)


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Everybody across the globe needs to stand up for their rights. We have every right to be angry against the abuses to our rights.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is happening, going to be an interesting year :-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Great the nurse spoke out about what was happening, so many protests all over the world unfortunately most have no idea they happen.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is why I try to cover them as the MSM have been ordered not to, the daily mail in the UK is starting to cover them, better late than never, took them long enough though.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Boris!!!! To answer his question at 1:50, I do think it's pure genius!!! His speech goes into gobbledygook for quite a while - pure and deliberate imaginative free thought about theme parks and peppa pigs (which is fantastic comedy schtick not to be missed! ) - then drops into perfect sense at the very end with:

as we stand on the brink of this Green Industrial revolution ...prepared to use our new regulatory freedoms

and his final message

We are so blessed... (for a lot of banal slave system things but especially for our)... power in business.

I have to wonder what his intended audience was, and if he has used this technique before. It really is brilliant. This is a dangerous fellow.

Thank you so much for posting that video.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are most welcome, but the truth is he is on the side of the genocide lunatics as he has written about depopulation by any means many times before.


He also hates British males, yet he has children from multiple women, and left his last wife for another last year, leaving her a single mother of 3. He constantly has affairs while calling others names for doing the same, his middle name is "hypocrite."


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh, he's scum, but he's brilliant. Dangerous. Very.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Indeed he is.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you.