Unshackled minds - how our parents handed us over to the state

in politics •  3 years ago  (edited)


Government V common law.

Upon birth families are requested to register a birth. The moment that happens we have been handed over to the government for life, or have we?

There are many reasons gov want you and I registered, 1 is the issuance of bonds against our name. The second is we then have to follow their laws not common law. Common law stands above any state statutes, acts, mandates or laws.
The birth certificate scam is covered extensively online, so I will not bore you with that.

1 thing governments do not want you to know about are common law, allow me to take an extract from another site with a link to said site.

"Common Law applies to every single human being in this world. It confers upon us the right to live as free living men and women, rather than the slaves we have become."

"Common Law may be thought of as outdated or irrelevant, however, only one law stands over it – Divine (Universal or Natural) Law. Common Law underpins human liberty. You are born free and remain free, regardless of what you’ve been taught – or otherwise brainwashed – to believe. Common Law is simply Divine Law, written by men and women, for men and women, so that we can have lawful interactions amongst ourselves, whilst living unfettered lives."

"If we all followed the simple tenets of Common Law, the world would be a very chilled place:"

  • Cause no harm
  • Cause no loss
  • Act honourably

Trainee police constables used to spend a whole week learning Common Law. Once sworn in, a constable’s job was clear and simple:

  • Protect life and property
  • Prevent and detect crime
  • Keep the peace

"In the 70s & 80s, policing changed radically. It became corporate and Common Law was no longer taught. Instead of upholding Common Law in the first instance, Constabularies became businesses, making their money from fining people. Their officers became tax collectors. "

Link = https://josephdlacey.wordpress.com/2021/10/25/i-stand-under-the-common-law-and-so-do-you/

1 of the things the gov does not want you to know is you have a right to pass and a right to travel, without the need to hand over papers to police when stopped.

Under common law which you were born with, you are a free and sovereign human being.
1 of the most common words/sentences a policeman or any government employee uses is "do you understand" if you say yes you agree to their rules and it becomes a binding legal agreement that you will adhere to their rules/laws.

My answer is always I stand under no man.

Here in Poland for instance, when stopped driving a vehicle, the first thing the police do is try to get you to self incriminate by telling you to do a breath test for alcohol. If you agree and have had even a glass of wine, you are then under their rules, so I always refuse.

Courts of law.

In the UK for instance a state court is called a crown court, as in you are summonsed to appear before court as a corporate entity, a straw-man. There are videos about this on yt.

Link to UK courts = https://www.judiciary.uk/about-the-judiciary/the-justice-system/court-structure/

When entering a court they ask your full name, once uttered you come under state law, you have agreed to their rules.
It is a wiser move to place a birth certificate on the counter, point to it and state "I am here to represent the corporation known as" Then mention your name, a lot of court judges will immediately walk out as they know you comprehend the law.

If a judge walks out he has abandoned the court and the case is closed. Again yt has videos of this, and other sites cover the subject well.

There are also sites with instructions regarding the cancellation of your birth certificate.

This is all the time I have for now, but will cover this more in the near future, and how London is a corporation, so all things government are corporation laws and rules/regulations.

People laugh when I say this but it clearly states as such on their visitor page here = https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/about-us

Have a superb day or evening.

Image is not copyright infringement.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I sent you 16 blurt to get you started so you can post or comment, hope it helps, enjoy the ride on here.

Thanks 👍😎 Preparing now my first Blurt-Post!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are welcome

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

There is a problem with that concept, in the UK the government needs the queens permission to remain a government, she "had" the power to abolish them or dismiss them as she so chose.
March 2020 or around that time the government declared themselves sovereign with the queen present, meaning the UK government is now a rogue government, and the queen has no power or authority over them.
I can find you an excellent article covering this if you want?

So if anyone is trying to take you over, it is Westminster, the house of Lords, and the house of commons.

Here in the U.S. this has been tried many times by the freemen movement, almost always ending in failure and extra punitive measures for "wasting" the courts time. The only time i saw it work was a guy in court for fishing without a license had the judge so rattled she fled the courtroom. They did end up getting their pound of flesh from the man though.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Strange as the US system is loosely based on the UK system, and when the Brits went over around the time of the un-civil war, one came back and remarked "it is going to be nigh on impossible to fool these people as they know law."

They have spent generations now dumbing down the public here with their compulsory propaganda false education system. Here is the last court appearence the man above made, where you can see him manhandled by a cop who was also the bailiff, the star witness and arresting officer. No conflict of interest there.

Here is a site talking about how the SPLC (one of the many institutions attacking freedom) classified him as a danger to society for declaring he is a natural man.


Here is a video (very long) on this mountain man demonstrating in full the idea of a natural man caught up in the fiction of the oppressors. None of which stops them when they show up with lots of men with guns.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have just found out something from here in PL, there is an opt out form here, you have to cancel your birth cert in Warsaw, get it stamped, you are then exempt from state laws and from paying tax :-)

Here in the U.S. there have been court level recognition of natural rights, but that does no good when police don't honor it and drag you in front of a different judge who ignores the previous rulings as we saw with the man in the videos I shared.

When the men pointing the guns at you in the moment refuse to honor legal declarations and at any point can get away with harming/killing you with a courts sanction, arguments after the fact do no good. As we saw in the milder case where the cop wrestled him to the ground and then they added the charge of assaulting an officer onto his offenses for being the lucky recipient of the force used against him.

They do believe they own us and have no qualms if they need to murder or enslave some in prison to prove this point.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Glad I do not live over there, I did visit once, my cousin has a bar in San Fran, it looks great on TV, the reality was depressing, never again, it was 1992, could only imagine how bad it is now.

I think that happened here with COVID fines none went through

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Excellent stuff. Been looking into this stuff since 1999ish when I met John harris.
Please fix typo in line 5 " Common law stands above* any state statutes, acts, mandates or laws."
Defo blurting the shit out of this
This is a good site btw too https://www.claimyourstrawman.com/forms-and-letters-17

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers t/gal, will check line 5 now, thank you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  



  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers bro, all them stimulus cheques/checks have a price to pay, it is called inflation, more printing = less value.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Does that work?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

part of the formulae here is that BLURT is being burned as network gets used...
is it not?
the 'only upvote' model is what tips the scales also...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

No idea, I just write "stuff" You would have to ask the devs or witnesses in the top 20 I suppose, they are approachable.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

@megadrive or @saboin would have the answer.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Better than the yellow pages in 1975... In General... Would you not agree @newparadigmtt?


I have an office Library... Posting Union ☝️ write here : 👁️😎🥓👍 : Full service;PUB Kitchen. Of last Resort 🍔🍟 #@eyeofthestrom

It sure has to start with the self! We perfect the ARTPOST & SHOW a friend, who SHOWS another friend and so on 😉👍😎. So Ripple is coming lol 😂 For this Think Tank group is growing in n nodes and influence. When the ART is pure it outgrows the self-nodes and resonance occurs in a greater construct. As you said frankly! It’s all about exopolitics! 😂👍😎

I TOTLAY agree !!!

... I've got a Guild of Mute Assassins if you're ever in need ; )

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Looking forward to more.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother, information is king.

Isn’t there some thing where we all owe the Vatican £10,000

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Not much into religion, so they can have an IOU. :-)

It’s not religious just that supposedly they have a price on everyone we have to pay to live here over a lifetime or something

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

They have had 2000 plus years of a free ride, never heard that before re 10k, would not surprise me, the world is overloaded with free-riders, so yep, would not surprise me in the slightest.

I can’t remember what it is exactly now but something like when we are born and have a birth certificate we are signed over to the Vatican where we have to pay a debt of I think it’s about £10,000 over a lifetime in Taxes. Something like this

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

They come around your house here, once a year, to beg for money, just after xmas, I always bugger off out to avoid them, not interested in them, as they are super nosey.