Unshackled minds - Canadian DICK-TATOR.

in politics •  2 years ago  (edited)


Mien Fuehrer in Canada has spoken.

Prime minister Justin Trudeau has invoked the Emergencies Act in a bid to quell protests as they enter their third week. This includes measures such as seizing/freezing peaceful protesters bank accounts, not only them, anyone found helping them via free food and diesel for heat at night.
He has already used the army against protesters at the Ambassador bridge so this legislation is his last roll of the dice, the ultimate show that he has already lost this battle, only "he" can not see it.

So far they have stolen/frozen 2 fundraisers for more than 20 million $ from around this wonderful world.
I can think of no other in history/living memory - protest so effective, non-violent, love filled - that has captured the imagination of the entire world that is sick of dick-tates, man-dates.

The slander/abusive words of both the government and legacy corrupt media has also highlighted how corrupt both are, not only in Canada but worldwide.
I always say scratch a liberal find a fascist and Canada, France and New Zealand prove that true beyond any reasonable doubt.
All 3 governments claim to be all inclusive, all 3 want vaccine segregation.

The problem for the media is this revolution "has been televised" on many sites like youtube & rumble to name but 2.
It has been shown by countless individuals in real time with no editing. What both the government and media try to say is happening is and has proven to be fabricated lies.

I watched in awe people in New Zealand doing the hacker, wow, just wow, what amazing energy. I hope horse face heard it.


WEF and the few.

Why should 180 to 200 people in central locations decide the rules for millions? Especially when you look into the "fact" most are WEF members. Where does their loyalty reside? With us the people or the club named Davos?
The last 2 years has clearly shown it is not with the people they allegedly represent.

I have a tonne more to add to this but want to hear your thoughts below, what do you want, envisage or support?

I will be doing a fund raiser tonight for a member on here, hope to see you then.

Have a superb day ahead.

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Will be curious to see if those who donated here in the U.S. will see their own bank accounts seized under some treaty, since Biden is demanding he crush this insurrection.

The truckers should have taken all the money out as it was coming into GoFundOnlyThingsWeApproveOf. Then used a portion of that to hire BLM and Antifa, since they are mercenaries in it for the cash, to go to a neighboring town and do their peaceful protests. This would have given a sharp contrast to what a protest looks like compared to an actual violent insurrection.

I'm curious how far both sides will go from here. If the truckers stand strong and eat the pain it will gain sympathizers who are fed up with this, creating more understanding this is about forcing obedience, never about health.

Remember When.png

Canada is following the liberal playbook here in the U.S. Under Clinton those who believe in the constitution were labeled high level threats of terrorists. Under Biden he has also said that, as well as any who question or say anythign contrary to government or MEDIA narratives. Now we see this shit starting in Canada.

making freedom a crime.png

Those damn far right folks stirring the pot and being a threat to the public wanting to be free. Why next thing you know, they might start asking why none of the elite have to lockdown or follow any mandates, or as you mention in your post above, here in the U.S. we even pay taxes on our fucking taxes.

Saw this meme when I got home a few hours ago from work and laughed.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Unsure how the seized funds will work out. I sent direct to a trucker called Eric the day he stated he was fired for being there, I sent him a weeks wages via paypal to ease the pain. Maybe that makes me a terrorist, who knows hey.

I can not see this ending anytime soon as I am reliably informed a 12km convoy is on route to block the bridges and Ottowa all over again, from Quebec.

I'm thinking if you didn't put anything in the memo section about the why it will be hard for them to prove you are a known funder of people they wish to label terrorists for the crime of not wanting to grovel and crawl before the masters ludicrous edicts anymore.

That was very kind and generous of you to help him. This is an example of how roads get built when the slaves are freed and don't pay tax extortion for those brainwashed into thinking we simply must have our money stolen from us. Here in the U.S. there was virtually no taxes until the so called Victory tax in WW2, and we had roads just fine.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I sent it to his wife's paypal account so it has no comeback direct to me. We all have a part to play and only live once so why not.
Tax was unheard of for centuries and the Romans built some superb roads in the UK and for free. :-)

A little insight into how life will be if they manage to get their way with the digital (prison) economy they've been working on.

I was reading the Guardian the other day (I do so as it's basically the voice of the intelligence community, and as such it provides an insight into the future trends they're working on) and they were trying to say that the protesters were far right incels lol - you literally couldn't make it up! The level of propaganda is akin to child like - but still the left-wing pseudo intellectuals lap it up.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Pseudo intellectuals? Please allow me to correct this statement to + Imbecile intellects that never got away from childish anger and tantrums.

Correct away :D

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well this is not ending well for the crime-minister, head of police resigns then this

What a beautiful sight

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Take a read of this and then consider Vanguard have a fund as large. https://www.globalresearch.ca/more-blackrock-than-you-might-imagine/5748159

Good article - historically, I have spent a great deal of time exposing Black Rock. Including this article (my last post on #hive written around 18 months ago) where I document that Vanguard has leading shares in both Blackrock and Slate Street - thus is more powerful than both of them. Although, once you really get into it - you'll find they're all one mega corporation.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hence why the desperation for Fiat not to come to it's natural conclusion of reverting to nothing.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's astonishing that lifting the jab mandate could have ended all this in a minute, yet Trudeau has chosen to do the opposite, to term them terrorists and nazis, when he himself is the terrorist and nazi. May many more rush to the truckers' support.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

12KM convoy on route from Quebec as I type, the oh so liberal governments are not so liberal after all are they !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Long term mate of mine she is, from Fakebook and hive, she does write some superb articles indeed.

Thanx dude sadly I didn't write that one but it is like 10 of my articles rolled into one so it's also a good read 😘

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I did note it was written by icaros, but your work is good so saw no need to point that out.