Protest Berlanjut

in politic •  2 years ago 

Para pengunjuk rasa masih terus turun ke jalan pada 8 September 2022. Beberapa mahasiswa juga turun ke jalan di kota-kota lain di Indonesia. Anda tidak akan menemukan berita tentang protes terhadap kenaikan BBM di media arus utama. Beritanya hanya di media sosial.

1567791864228749312Di Makasar, mahasiswa memblokir jalan dan membakar ban. Mereka tidak akan berhenti berunjuk rasa sampai pemerintah menurunkan harga BBM 30%. Riau, mahasiswa bentrok dengan polisi. protes besar-besaran di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia. twitter metadata: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 ~~~

Mengapa sebagian besar mahasiswa memprotes kenaikan harga BBM?

Pemerintah memutuskan menaikkan harga BBM sekitar 30%. Kenaikannya terlalu tinggi. Biaya distribusi dan produksi akan meningkat karena bahan bakar merupakan bahan vital bagi sektor-sektor tersebut. Tingginya biaya produksi dan distribusi akan berdampak pada harga semua barang kebutuhan pokok.

Seorang ekonom senior mengkritik keputusan pemerintah
Anthony Budiawan
Pertama, harga ICP (minyak mentah dunia) turun, artinya kalau ada subsidi Rp 502 triliun, perlu digarisbawahi Rp 502 triliun itu untuk semua subsidi energi dan non-energi. Jadi ada subsidi listrik dan elpiji, jadi berapa subsidi BBM? Tidak ada yang pernah memberi tahu Anda berapa subsidi pertalite, tidak ada yang tahu," kata Anthony.

Seorang ekonom senior, Anthony Budiawan mengatakan kepada media.
Sehari setelah pengumuman kenaikan BBM, VIVO perusahaan penjualan BBM menjual Vivo Ron 89 dengan harga Rp 8.900. Sedangkan Pertalite dari Pertamina dibanderol Rp 10.000. Kemudian Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memerintahkan VIVO untuk menaikkan harga.

Pemerintah seharusnya sangat terbantu dengan adanya VIVO karena masyarakat tidak menggunakan BBM bersubsidi. Hal yang aneh, membuat mahasiswa dan masyarakat turun ke jalan.

Dalam kondisi ekonomi yang baru pulih dari krisis akibat covid, kenaikan harga BBM sangat memberatkan. Akankah pemerintah mendengarkan, atau akankah mahasiswa dan elemen lain memprotes dalam jumlah yang lebih besar?

Protesters still continued on the street on September 8, 2022. Some students also go on the streets in other cities in Indonesia. You will not find the news about protests against the fuel hike in the mainstream media. The news is only on social media.

1567791864228749312In Makasar, students blocked the road and burned tires. They will not stop protesting until the government lowers the fuel price by 30%. Riau, students clashed with policemen. are massive protests in some big cities in Indonesia. twitter metadata: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 ~~~

Why do most students protest against the fuel price rise?

The government decided to raise the fuel price by around 30%. The rise is too high. The cost of distribution and production will increase because the fuel is a vital material for those sectors. The high cost of production and distribution will have an impact on the prices of all basic goods.

A senior economist criticized the government's decision
Anthony Budiawan
First, that the price of ICP (world crude oil) has fallen, meaning that if there was a subsidy of Rp 502 trillion, it is necessary to underline that Rp 502 trillion for all energy and non-energy subsidies. So, there are electricity and LPG subsidies, so how much is the fuel subsidy? No one has ever told you how much pertalite subsidy, no one knows," said Anthony.

A senior economist, Anthony Budiawan said to the media.
The day after the announcement of the fuel increase, VIVO a fuel sales company, sold the Vivo Ron 89 at a price of IDR 8,900. Meanwhile, Pertalite from Pertamina costs IDR 10,000. Then the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) ordered VIVO to raise prices.

The government should be very helped with VIVO because people do not use subsidized fuel. Such a strange thing, made students and the public take to the streets.

In economic conditions that are just recovering from the crisis due to covid, the increase in fuel prices is very burdensome. Will the government listen, or will students and other elements protest in greater numbers?

Protesters still continued on the street on September 8, 2022. Some students also go on the streets in other cities in Indonesia. You will not find the news about protests against the fuel hike in the mainstream media. The news is only on social media.

1567791864228749312In Makasar, students blocked the road and burned tires. They will not stop protesting until the government lowers the fuel price by 30%. Riau, students clashed with policemen. are massive protests in some big cities in Indonesia. twitter metadata: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 ~~~

Why do most students protest against the fuel price rise?

The government decided to raise the fuel price by around 30%. The rise is too high. The cost of distribution and production will increase because the fuel is a vital material for those sectors. The high cost of production and distribution will have an impact on the prices of all basic goods.

A senior economist criticized the government's decision
Anthony Budiawan
First, that the price of ICP (world crude oil) has fallen, meaning that if there was a subsidy of Rp 502 trillion, it is necessary to underline that Rp 502 trillion for all energy and non-energy subsidies. So, there are electricity and LPG subsidies, so how much is the fuel subsidy? No one has ever told you how much pertalite subsidy, no one knows," said Anthony.

A senior economist, Anthony Budiawan said to the media.
The day after the announcement of the fuel increase, VIVO a fuel sales company, sold the Vivo Ron 89 at a price of IDR 8,900. Meanwhile, Pertalite from Pertamina costs IDR 10,000. Then the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) ordered VIVO to raise prices.

The government should be very helped with VIVO because people do not use subsidized fuel. Such a strange thing, made students and the public take to the streets.

In economic conditions that are just recovering from the crisis due to covid, the increase in fuel prices is very burdensome. Will the government listen, or will students and other elements protest in greater numbers?

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