Zelensky zrobił w jeden dzień to co Hitlerowi zajęło 2 lata

in polish •  3 years ago 

Droga Hitlera:


Step 2: Creating a one-party state
Within months of the passing of the Enabling Act, Hitler removed most sources of political opposition.

He merged the Nazi and the Nationalist Parties.
The Centre Party (Catholic Party) disbanded voluntarily in return for Hitler agreeing not to interfere in Catholic schools and youth movements.
Socialists and communists, who had not already fled, were put in prison.
In March, local parliaments were closed and then re-established with Nazi majorities.
In April, Nazis took over key posts in local governments. Jews and other political enemies were removed from the civil service.
In July 1933, other political parties were banned. The Law Against the Formation of New Parties meant only the Nazi Party was allowed to exist. Therefore, when the Reichstag and local governments met, which was infrequently, all the deputies were Nazis.
In January 1934, the Law for the Reconstruction of the State abolished Germany’s state governments, apart from Prussia.
These changes made Germany a one-party state and destroyed democracy in the country.

Droga Zelenskiego:


Wszystkie wpisy na tym blogu to tak jakby sarkazm lub tak jakby opinie. Sam zdecyduj. Szukasz prawdziwych fake newsów? Włącz TV!

#Folwark poleca: NTV - wRealu24 - WM - Zięba - STOP NOP - PL1.TV - Lega Artis - nCzas - Jedwabne - Ban Bye - MK 2.0

Załóż te okulary, załóż je!

Oni żyją, a Ty wegetujesz / They Live - (reż. John Carpenter, 1988)

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Have you seen those "act like zelensky" posters?
those need to be re-memed ;-)

what's the icon on his hand?

When I see trending hashtags on Twitter I feel like this man.

I am a bit surprised that anonymous decided to take one side of the conflict.
In the Cyrillic alphabet, the inscription on the hand would mean bus, but that makes no sense to me

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Anons are now just cut-outs. I recall the long twatter rants from Sabu just before the feds told him they'd had enough - time to say goodbye - you're ours now!! Anon - The End.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

so what are the actual letters?
"bus" ?
mmm... annoying...

BYC? blockchain ukraine soc

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Б -eng - B - Blockchain
У - eng - U - Ukraine
С - eng - S - Support / Sponsorship ?


The Democrats here in the U.S. have been pushing us down the same road with their cancel culture. More recently however they have been insinuating that if they lose their majority that democracy is over here.


Of course their mind slaves believe this propaganda as they have the Covid lies and everything else. They can't pause long enough to consider that if the elections are fair and not cheated (as we saw with the presidential election most recently that shoved the incoherent man and his idiot VP into office fraudulently) that means democracy worked and the people spoke. But no, they insist if their party doesn't hold all the trophies because the people didn't want them to have them then democracy died. Its only democracy when it favors them.

Personally I wish we would go back to being more of a Republic and less of a democracy.

More recently however they have been insinuating that if they lose their majority that democracy is over here

this is so funny

This will be history that really needs to be remembered

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It takes strength to remember.

need a book to read

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We are about to raise the Price with VKRW, do you want to help get everyone started?