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in poland •  3 years ago 

There are times when atrocities clash and compound each other. As you flee from one disaster you bump into another one.

As the coronati scam is far from over, the Ukrainian population that has not as yet been genetically modified may find their refugee status is suddenly dependent on how many pricks they've had. How tragic is that!?

You can view and play with the data here.

Interestingly, Romania seems to have stopped supplying data as their numbers only go to October 2021, and fairly low then at 28%. However, Romanian official figures show a higher percentage and that data is still being collected - maybe is the charting software that is buggy.

In case any of you think is somewhat conspiratorial or fantastical or even crazy, check out this, this, this and I'm sure you will find plenty more as the coronati fideists find a new fear factor.

One small ripple of sanity: Poland is allowing Ukrainian refugees (and their pets) into the country without any useless piece of paper documenting a fake test result. However, I would expect the EU to remind Poland in the near future of its obligations to the scamdemic theatre of war.

Posted from https://blurt.one

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

someone mentioned this war would only be 2 weeks to flatten the curve and return to normal... 😐 ba da bump!

and you'll need Actual Gas Masks... not N95 .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Look at the wording of the chart legend: "partial initial protocol."
Where will all the freedom-shouter be when it's actually about their own freedom in their own land? We know the answer to that one already.

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

She's always good for a laugh.

The canary in a coal mine indeed. One of many! Most of us think canaries dying suddenly is normal.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is just playing to the audience, because if the government was doing Green-Pass verification during the war, people would start questioning this stupidity. I'm from Poland and for the last 2 years our government has tried to make the public believe that someone who didn't get a vaccine is inferior and doesn't deserve human rights. When the fog of war clears, the refugees from Ukraine will see that they fell from one shit into another. There is massive inflation in our country and we cannot afford to support several million refugees. Our Prime Minister promises to help them, but he is the biggest liar in the history of Polish politics and no one should trust what he says. It is sad, but this is the situation in our country. No politician has the courage to say this because he would lose votes in the elections.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

When the fog of war clears, the refugees from Ukraine will see that they fell from one shit into another.

Right, that's what I expect.

Democracy is such an obviously failed system - so easy to hijack - maybe it works at local level, like a Swiss canton, but even the Athenians voted themselves a dictator coz their politicians sucked badly!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

you can't fix the problems of autocracy by waiting for a "good king"

you can't fix the problems of democracy by waiting for a "good leader"

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The key there is "waiting", I think.

I often go back to a global survey some 10 years ago by IPSOS - I'm sure I blogged on it, but was probably a clever title and can't now find it!!

But when I looked at the actual data it painted a depressing picture of humanity = depressed, confused, tired, lacking faith and, the clincher, waiting for a leader!! FFS

Struck me then as perfect fodder.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thankyou for your voice of reason here. Everywhere I'm seeing the chicken-littles running around virtue signalling and condemning when they base their thoughts on MSM Wag The Dog style 'news'. Even Blurt is stepping up to the flag waving podium. WW11 was started with a false flag, the bombing of a building in Poland was it? I forget the details. I also saw maps claiming the missiles were to take out american bio-labs but none of the missiles hit the labs, they were scattered around them. How could they miss their target every time unless they were told to? Who is doing the shooting? The tanks we're being shown all have a Z on them. There is no Z in the russian alphabet but someone pointed out Z could translate to 33. They're waving the truth in our faces.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

A bit tongue-in-cheek: perhaps a Ukraine populated by mostly non-robotized humans would be the silver lining in all this. Let the jabbed leave, and leave those who can tell the difference between tyranny and freedom behind to steer Ukraine.

We are moving to a world in which only zombies - thinking, saying and doing as they are told to think, say, and do - are allowed to pursue "freedom," an interesting irony. Ukraine has been primed to be a catalyst in the destruction of country governments, so that zombies will willingly embrace the NWO.

An important observation, and one for which there is already a precedent - when the volcano is St Vincent was exploding, the evacuation was reserved for those who could prove they were vaccinated. Even though (as far as I remember) the island hadn't recorded a single case.

What about Novak Djokovic? He has totally refused to be vaccinated and said he wouldn't take vaccination even he has to resign his all tittles. It is telling about all things that who wants vaccination and doesn't. Thanks a lot sir for sharing this chart!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I really can't imagine it, just as I can't reason with covid and vaccines with my common sense.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com