For reasons of my own curiosity, I received an address from a haiku generator, it is a particular type of three-line Japanese poem that is constructed following the rule of having, in terms of syllables per line, the amount of 5 - 7 - 5.
The generator is at
It is simple to use, a piece of text is provided and is given to generate. In this test I wrote:
Between the night boredom and the dream that attacks, staying awake is already a feat, but curiosity pushes me like a stubborn cat and makes me stay awake a little more.
The result is a whole list of haikus, some very strange and others very simple, there is something for all tastes, in particular, I liked one and it is the one that I will use as an example of the result:
In the curiosity boredom.
No stay can already.
How soon it must feat.
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