A Broken Reflection. {A Poem On Self Love} (An Original Poetry)

in poetry •  4 years ago 

A Broken Reflection. {A Poem On Self Love} (An Original Poetry)


A broken reflection,
shimmers down on me!
frozen tears,
caught on tracks
on a road trip,
down to the shoulder.
as I stand staring,
a grotesque figures
looks back at me
like a monster,
emerging from an angel!

Self love; blood stains,
wiped off my mind,
I can see me,
naked as the "truth"
a blur of bokeh
with no concentration!
I am, a definition of "PERFECTO"
but inside,
a shadow of cowardice
a weeping liitle man,
behind the suit and shiny leather

In my fiercest imagination!
I am broken;
a lovely little toy,
only worth a token
new as an old feeling,
unworthy of any joy
thrown into the litter,
watched to wither
in the harmattan
as rejected vegetable leaves.

Me, and I,
a feeling of lonesomeness,
I envisage my world,
filled to the brim.
the world is beautiful,
when I tell tasty lies,
all those lovely deciet
tingling their ears.
but my truth scares them
like a monster in the night.

I am, a broken reflection,
cut in half,
by the sunset,
a natural occurrence,
in the mildest of morn,
tears; freely flowing!
i am me,
seeking love and happiness,
but the earth is a giant tongue,
that bikers about my body....

Self love, blood stains
a gaping cut,
so bizarre and horrible,
from the window pane,
a bruise on my ego!
I am me,
twain in my existence!
I am broken in half
but I have accepted,
soot and cinder!
the man I have become.



All Images Owned By Me.

Written by @Josediccus


Originally posted on my blog here

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