POETRY: Death Came As A Surprise

in poetry •  4 months ago 


A rain falls at the vintage roof
from an vintage residence
cats run from one facet to the other
and concealed in his wings
to keep away from getting moist and shield yourself
of the hurricane that may intensify

The rain hurts the thoughts
as it brings lower back the saddest memories
whilst the residence become inhabited
for pleasure and warmth
of a own circle of relatives that someday left
due to the fact the city become left alone.

The rain introduced to mind
of numerous aged individuals who have been sitting
some steps from the ranch
in which a time full of excitement
the streets that once
They have been areas of satisfied life
of many children
however an endemic got here
and killed nearly all of the people
from that small city in which nowadays they most effective live
pretty much 4 families.

The residence with crimson roofs
become the connection with arrive
to the city after they asked
via the residence of the roofs
she become the most effective tile residence
the relaxation have been made from woven palms
on metal sheets.
The plague commenced in that residence
and devastated everyone.
Death got here as a surprise.

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