Ignorance is Bliss

in poetry •  4 years ago 

You didn't want to know of my darkness,
So I acted all shiny and bright,
Said my I'm fine, thank yous,
Told you I'd slept well at night.
You didn't want to hear of my demons,
When they came snapping at my heels,
You didn't want to deal with my sadness,
Pretending my depression wasn't real.
And when I was quiet and keeping my silence,
You ignored the unease that you felt,
Telling yourself that I would be fine,
As I fell deeper into my own personal hell.
I knew you didn't want to be told,
Didn't want to hear of my pain,
After all you'd heard it all before,
Surely, it's not worth mentioning again.
My sorrow would tarnish your happiness,
My darkness would diminish your light,
"So please don't come to me, with your misery,
You can be happy, if you'd only try."
I kept up the act so well,
Only letting my smile falter when I was alone,
Only then would I crumble and fall to my knees,
Displaying emotions the outside world won't condone.
And as I fought harder to keep up the charade,
My depression gained a stronger hold,
Until the only way I knew I could escape,
Was at the end of a rope.
It was then the questions started,
Wondering why, what had led me to this,
Then you spoke of my darkness,
And all the demons I must have lived with.
Now you say you wish,
I'd known I could have come to you,
But deep inside you always thought,
It was something I would get through.
Well thank you for your concern,
For saying you would have been there for me,
But I'm afraid you are too late,
You could have helped, but instead you pretended that you did not see.

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