"A bit of music of my own to accompany this reading."
This publication is to share the list of books that were provided to my father in prison for his studies of the English sonnet and the euphonic verse in Spanish. As an anecdote, he used to say that whenever he needed a book for his studies, they would provide it, even buying it within 15 days. He greatly appreciated this aspect of federal prison.
1-. Abreau Gómez, Emilio. Didáctica de la lengua y Literarura
Española. Mexico: Ediciones Oasis, 1977.
2-. Acheson, Arthur. Shakespeare's Sonnet Story. 1592-1598.
Brooklyn, Ny: Haskell, 1971.
3-. Adams, Nicholson B. & Jonn E. Keller. España en su Literatura
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1972
4-. Alonso, Martin. Manual del Escritor, Editorial Aguilar, 1981.
5-. Anderson, Robert. Spanish American Modernism. Ann Harbor, MI: 1973
Benson, C. H. Poesia y Profesia del Antigo Testamento. Trad. Fernando P Villalabos. Miami: Editorial Caribe, 1972.
6-. Beum, R. & Saphiro. Prosody Handbook. New York: Haryer & Row
Pubs., 1965.
7-. Bloom , Harold. Ed. Medieval Literature. Edgemont, PA: Chelsea
Hse, 1987.
8-. Bowie, M. Agnus. Ed. Poetic Dialect of Sappho & Alcaeus, Salen.
NH: Ayer Co. Pub. , 1987.
9-. Brittain, Fred. Medieval Latin & Romance Lyric to A. D. 1300
Milwood, NY: Kraus Repr., 1969.
10-. Broadbrook, Muriel C. Shakespeare and the Elizabeth Poetry.
Rochelle, NY: Cambridge Univ. Pr, 1979.
11-. Camurati, Mireya. Poesía y Poetica de Vicante Huidobro.
Hannover, NH: Ediciones Norte, 1980.
12-. Caws, Mary A. & Hermine Rirffaterre. Prose Poem in France:
Theory & Practice. New York: Colunbia Univ. Pr., 1983.
13-. Clogan, Paul M. Medieval Poetics. Ann Arbor, MI: Books on
Demand UMI, 1975.
14-. De Vega, Lope. El Perro del Ortelano. Ed. A. David Kossof.
Madrid: clásicos Castalia, 1970.
15-. De Vega, Lope. Fuente Ovejuna. Ed. Francisco López Estrada.
Madrid: clásicos Castalia, 1969.
16-. Domínguez Caparrós, José. Contribución a la historia de las
Teorias Métricas en los Siglos XVIII y XIX, Madrid:
Editorial Imprenta Aguirre, 1975.
17-. Donamerth, Jane. Shakespeare & the Sixteenth Century Study
of Language. Champaigne, IL: U. of ILL. Pr., 1984.
18-. Draper, William H. Petrarch's Secret. Folcroft,
PA: Folcroft, 1974.
19-. Elish, Enuma. Poème Babylonien de la Creation. New York:
AMS Pr., 1978.
20-. Franzen, Gosta. Prose & Poetry of Modern Sweden: As Intermediate Sweedesh Reader. Lincoln, NE: U. of Ne br. Pr., 1969. Gesner, Caro1.
21-. Shakespeare & the Greek Romance.A Study of
Orizins. Lexington, KY: U. Pr. of Ky., 1970.
22-. Ghertman, Sharon. Petrarch & Garcilaso : A Linguistic Approach
to Style. Walfeburo, NH: Longwood Pub. Group, 1975.
23-. Holloway, H. C.- Calthrop. Petrarch, His Life & Times.
Philadelphia, FA: Century Bookbindery , 1980.
24-. Houston, Peiton. Sonnet Variations. Highlands, NC: Jargon
Soc., 1962.
25-. Johnson, Charles F. Shakespeare & His Critics. New York:
AMS Pr., 1975.
26-. Kimmish, flora. Sonnets of Catherina Von Greiffenberg: Methods
of Composition. chapel Hill, NC: Univ. of N. C. Pr., 1975.
27-. Lanbaum, Birger. Poetry of Experience. The Dramatic Monologue
in Modern Literary Traditions. Chicago, IL: Univ. of Chicago Pr., 1982.
28-. Lewes, George H. Spanish Drama. Lope de Vega & Calderon.
New York: Gordon Press Pub., 1980.
29-. Lounsbury, Thomas T. Shakespeare & Voltaire. Darby, PA:
Darby Books, 1982.
30-. Mario, Luis. "Ventana Poetica. La Eufonía." Diario las Americas,
abril- mayo 1986, pp. 3 col. 1.
31-. Mc Cabe, Donald F. Prose Rhythm of Demosthenes. Ed. W.: E. Connor, Salem NH: Ayer Co Pubs., 1981.
32-. Minta, Stephen. Petrarch & Petrarchism: The English & French Traditions. Totowa, NJ: B&A Imports, 1980.
33-. Norman, Birger. Poetic Edda in the Light of Archeology.
New York: AMS Pr., 1976.
34-. Page, Denys L., Ed. Poetae Melici Graeci. New York: 0xford, 1962.
35-. Petrarca, Francesco. Sonnets & Songs. Trans. Anna M. Armi.
New York: AMS Pr., 1975.
36-. Petrarch. Sellected Sonnets, Odes, Letters. Ed. Thomas G.
Arlington Heighs, IL: Harlan Davidson, 1966.
37-. Pieri, Marius. Petrarquisme au Seizieme Siecle: Petrarque et
Ronsard, ou L'influence dę Petrarque Sur la Pleiade
Française. New York: B. Franklin, 1967.
38-. Post, C. R. Medieval Spanish Allegory- New York: Gordon Press,
39-. Robinson, H. Poetry of the 0ld Testament. New York: AMS Pr.,
40-. Roos, Murphe . Sonnets & Other Dead Forms. Ridgefield, CT: Cross
Country Press, 1980.
41-. Saillens, E. Sonnets Anglais et ltalians de Milton. Folcroft,
PA: Folcroft, 1974.
42-. Scott, D. Sonnet Theory & Practice in Nineteenth Century France: Sonnets on the Sonnet. Atlantic Highlands : Humanities, 1977.
43-. Thomlinson, Charles. Sonnet: It's Origin, Structure & Place in Poetry. Folcroft, PA: Folcroft, 1972.
44-. Vaganay, Huges. Sonnet en Italie et France. New York: B. Franklin,
45-. Villa Mejia, Víctor. 'EL Tiempo Linguístico" Revista Glotta.
Vol 1# 3, sep.- dic. 1986 p. 13- 17.
46-. Wood, Clement. Complete Rhyming Dictionary. New York: Double day
& company, Inc., 1936.
In the following link, https://www.amazon.com/-/es/John-Campbell/dp/0910147108/ref=sr_1_9?__mk_es_US=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=32LIKVUF3IB1Z&keywords=john+campbell+world+of+poetry&qid=1697632033&s=books&sprefix=john+campell+world+of+poetry+%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C124&sr=1-9 you will find a book in which you can locate this poem called 'A Flower For My Solitude,' my father's only poem in free verse. In this book, authors from all over the United States were published in their annual editions for the years 1986, 1987, and 1988. You'll find the sonnets 'Beyond Love' and 'Samantha Smith' in there. The truth is, I don't have any of those books, and I can only recall the free verse poem from memory. To wrap up, I'm sharing the Spanish version that I remember perfectly and the translation done with GPT that comes closest.
Una Flor para Mi Soledad
Mis ojos se pierden
más allá del cielo buscando las fuentes de mi vacio.
Emborrachadamente, divago a través
de donde todos mis dias mueren,
y descubro el embeleso de las estrellas en el cielo,
hambrientas de alegrías, placeres,
y susurrando sueños para las noches del futuro.
La cara del espacio tiene tambien ojos,
que son mis propios ojos, y la oscuridad del mundo
es una flor para mi soledad.
A Flower for My Solitude
My eyes lose themselves
beyond the sky in search of the source
of my emptiness. Drowsily, I wander
through where all my days die,
and I discover the enchantment of the stars in the sky,
hungry for joys and pleasures,
whispering dreams for the nights of the future.
The face of space has eyes,
which are my own eyes, and the world's darkness
is a flower for my solitude.
First published on Nostr Protocol by [email protected]
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Great sonnet. Great music… shared with 500 million people on X / Twitter and 20 million people on Nostr / Plebstr …. I Sent you a little Blurt tip from Ionomy. Keep posting on Blurt.
"Wow, friend, I'm truly amazed. I don't know how to thank you for the help you've given me in unearthing this treasure. I'm thrilled to be part of the revolution that Bitcoin represents, currently through the 100% BTC Nostr protocol and on the Web 3.0 Blurt. Thanks to the people who take the time to appreciate because without them, the poet's words would remain silenced in oblivion. And if there's a poem where those words can echo in the present, grasp them because, as the last sonnet I shared, 'Gypsy Night,' says:
'A paper, holding a song that I wrote
Takes off with the wind, but I let it fly
As just with a smile and sad eyes I mourn...'"