We are walking in the icy memories and sentiment by emotional vibrations, you are a star with the power of a hurricane that gives the virtue of love doctrine. Find our dreams in joyous hugs, the new waves cover the fairytale that lives in our hearts.
Envy in the rhythm of the heart passes through the stone walls of expectation, we look forward to success on the right grounds while others want to become better than us. Get rid of fear because truth has no alternative, respect in relationships brings the fruits of moral victory.
Following the signs of your emotions with the intuitive development of new events, your smile gives a fire at the height of happiness. Leaving soft lips on the kisses of paradise, you and I have a common mission to establish the order of joy in the balance of universal energy.
- Original poetry written by @dobartim
- We win together - Welcome to Steem Schools https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
- Image Source:pinterest.com/pin/625930048186404807/
Almost nothing is impossible in this world if you think about it and maintain a positive attitude 👍
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