Through the Game of Happiness and Life

in poetry •  12 days ago 
I hear music and stories about the wins of the mind, above the clouds is an empire of unlimited possibilities that give strength to the stars. Turning the past to the future and making new details when choosing parts of life principles, we are changing rapidly and strongly in times of great intellectual and moral storms.


Go to the new impulse of the spirit that follows you through the principles of the subconscious, and open up the wonderful possibilities of progress on the foundations of success. Each detail is important in a precise focus game, emotions select the goal while desires sleep on the imagination.

Find the point of happiness in the relationship we create with our hearts, and launch powerful waves of love in the winds of excitement. I feel my intentions in every touch of wise words that come from the love source of truth, and they stay in my words that pass through intuitive fields of emotional reality.

I fell in love with your eyes, your movements are caused by a wild man in my instincts. Looking for a solution for a long-lasting movie about the true love story we make together, you are much more real than a beautiful image on the front page of a business magazine.

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