Mellifluous Moments

in poems •  4 months ago 


In the golden hues of twilight's embrace,
Where whispers of wind softly grace,
There lies a realm where time relents,
In the dance of mellifluous moments.

Through the meadows where daisies sway,
And the symphony of birds at play,
Each note a kiss upon the air,
In the realm where worries disappear.

Beneath the canopy of stars above,
Where dreams take flight on wings of love,
And the moon's glow paints the night,
In the sanctuary of pure delight.

In the gentle touch of hands entwined,
And the warmth of hearts aligned,
There blooms a garden, ever bright,
In the sanctuary of mellifluous delight.

Oh, let us linger in this sweet repose,
Where every worry fades and flows,
In the beauty of each fleeting hour,
Let us find solace, let us find our power.

For in these moments, time stands still,
And every heartbeat seems to thrill,
In the symphony of life's sweet tune,
Let us dance beneath the moon.

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