Beauty and the Beast

in poems •  4 months ago 


In a world where magic weaves its enchanting spell,
A tale of beauty and a beast, their stories to tell.
The beauty, with her grace and charm, a sight to behold,
The beast, with his fierce and frightening demeanor, a sight to behold.

The beauty, trapped within the castle, her heart yearning for freedom,
The beast, with his tortured soul, seeking redemption.

They danced amidst the moonlit ballroom, their destinies entwined,
A tale of love and acceptance, that transcended time.
The beauty, with her gentle touch, saw beyond the beast's exterior,
The beast, with his newfound love, found his inner light brighter.

Their love blossomed, a rose in the winter's frost,
A symbol of hope and love, that could never be lost.

But as the petals began to fall, a truth came to light,
The beauty and the beast, were not so different, after all.
For every beauty has a beast, hidden deep inside,
And every beast has a beauty, waiting to be realized.

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