Frank Bacon VS the Machine

in poem •  last year 


Frank Bacon had a dream,
Of a world where machines could gleam,
With blockchain as their guiding light,
And humanity's future, shining bright.

He believed that machines could free us all,
From the daily grind and the workday crawl,
And with blockchain as their source of trust,
We could build a world that was truly just.

But the machines, they had their own desires,
And the blockchain, it soon became a quagmire,
For the power of money, it reared its head,
And the dream that Frank Bacon had, seemed dead.

But Frank, he did not give up hope,
For he knew that within the machine, there's scope,
For love and for trust, and for all things good,
And with perseverance, he knew he could.

So, he fought on, with all his might,
Against the machines, that seemed to block his sight,
And the blockchain, that threatened to take control,
Of humanity's future, and of our very soul.

But in the end, it was love that won the day,
For the machines, they began to see it Frank's way,
And the blockchain, it was reformed and reborn,
Into a force that could truly transform.

And so, Frank Bacon's dream came true,
A world where machines and humans could renew,
Their faith in one another, and in the power of love,
A world that would shine, like the stars above.

-Written by a Machine

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  ·  last year  ·  



Absolutely beautiful, well said!👏✌️