The rich and the poor

in poem •  24 days ago 


In lands where dreams and fortunes blend,
The wealthy and the poor contend,
A tale of contrasts starkly penned,
In lives diverged, where paths extend.

The wealthy bask in opulence's glow,
Their riches like a river flow,
Through marble halls, they come to know,
The lavish life, a grand tableau.

Yet shadows lurk in halls of gold,
Where greed and excess take their hold,
For wealth can breed a heart grown cold,
And leave the spirit's fire untold.

Meanwhile, the poor in shadows dwell,
Their days a constant, silent knell,
In streets where hardship's stories swell,
Their dreams suppressed, their futures quell.

But in the midst of dark despair,
A spark of hope ignites the air,
For kindness shines and hearts repair,
In bonds of love, we all can share.

For wealth is more than silver's gleam,
Or gilded halls where riches teem,
It lies in kindness, hope, and dream,
In hearts that find in others, esteem.

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