in poem •  4 years ago 


Today's a special day
So smile in any way
Shook all the worries away
Enjoy 'til the last minute if you may

You occupied a space in my heart
I love you so much even if we're part
You're my virtual mom yet I want this all to be real
I want to see you someday eventhough it'll felt surreal

If you wouldn't notice that I'm here for you
Then I'm telling you I'm here even if I'm not talking to you
When the time comes you'll find someone better than me
I'll be happy to see you smile in glee

Mom, I will never forget you
I'm not expecting you'll do that too
But know that I'll cherish all the memories I have with you
I won't ever forget that even if you're too good to be true

Now smile
Breath and relax for a while
Laugh for it is your very own day
I wish you all the happiness in the world and happy birthday

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