Every job should be given this honor

in pob •  3 years ago 

Every job should be given this honor

We have different kinds of work in this world. Some work is big, some work is small, some do good, some do bad, but I think we should be respected for all kinds of work in the world. Respecting people based on their identity is based on their work


People never think that whatever work people do for people, whatever work people do, the result of their work is flowing in some way in their daily life. There are different kinds of work in this world. Some people do small things and some people do big things. Some work in the office, some work outside the office, but people are doing these things for people

There are many civilized people in today's world but it is not yet time to change the thinking power of the people. People are still living with their old thinking power.

Think about yourself

Think you're in a good company, in a good organization, everyone there treats you with a lot of respect and treats you with respect when they talk to you, sir. Have you ever thought about how many people are working for you, young and old?

I calculate the number of people who have a very small job. At the moment, we are keeping the list of cleaners at the bottom of the list. Have you ever wondered what will happen to your office if it does not work in your office? If you don't have an office, will the people in your office come? You are not using this cleaner in your work

If he doesn't clean your office properly then your situation will be like a dustbin. Your office will be very dirty. He is giving you a lot of support to clean the job you are doing in a good office which you will not get through anyone else. A cleaner behind the lift is providing immense responsibilities and duties

If I worked as a cleaner myself

As a clearer, if you think about your responsibilities and duties towards the people, then you will understand how much trouble the other cleaners are working with.

You often tell people who are always working to clean your surroundings that the dirty ones try to keep themselves away from them. In fact, they are unclean people. The dirt around us is very clean. A beautiful world. A beautiful society. Rhythm is giving a house. They are real clean people.

This I have explained to you with an example of a small job in the past. Also in our society there are different types of jobs that many of us do not like to respect. We consider those jobs as small. In fact, it is not desirable in any way. In this beautiful world, if you were to take up all kinds of work in front of everyone, you would not be able to enjoy the beautiful world. Someone or someone has built a beautiful world through some work.

You and I are working online. There are thousands of people working tirelessly to create this online. If we leave these people and think of ourselves as working in a beautiful environment of information technology, then we will be wrong. In fact, this is our misconception.

There are thousands of people working hard to build this platform and there are thousands of different people working to build this platform. There can be different kinds of work here. Small or big or small work in the hereafter.

So I think all the work in this world is behind all the work of every human being. Every work has every work. Every human being can be shown through respect. A change in the mentality of a human being.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

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