Platform launches world's first lunar sensitive NFTs

in platform •  3 years ago 

Startups focusing on nonfungible tokens (NFTs) have explored various topics, from gaming to sports to film and more. However, few of these startups are tackling the genre of short storytelling. All except for Dead Handz, a group looking to change the way the world consumes short stories.

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User-powered storytelling
Dead Handz is an Ethereum (ETH)-based fantasy sci-fi story that users can interact with and invest within. Powered by nonfungible tokens, the team behind Dead Handz aims to build a fantasy world that fans can own a piece of and profit off of its growth. The story will have multiple seasons, each bringing with it a new collection of Dead Handz for users to buy, hold and trade.

evolution of business models in the game industry
Blockchain and the evolution of business models in the game industry

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