Laying a Foundation For the Future

in planning •  4 years ago 

As I sit here and think about all that I learned in Physics class and how it applies to my business and my life, I get emotional. I can't help but think back to when I first discovered the concept of income-generating activities. The one thing that I realized at that point is that you can either be in business or in life, but not both. I realized that I had to come up with a way to separate my two activities so that I would be able to get the most done and spend my time in the direction of where I wanted to be. So what did I do?


Laying a foundation for the future starts with understanding that you cannot grow up in a vacuum. You have to learn how to depend on others. It means that if you are going to make it in this business then you have to learn how to give before you get. I have found that giving before I get, it allows me to enjoy what I am doing because I am not worrying about how I am going to pay for it. It has allowed me to focus my attention on what I want to accomplish and nothing else.


Now is the time to start creating a plan and following through with that plan. Get all of your ducks in a row and start laying the groundwork for your future today. I know you have dreams and goals, and I know that you will achieve them. Make sure that you start today because there is no tomorrow. Only the future knows the time that you will have to live.

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