Plagarius Report #1

in plaigerism •  2 years ago 


Above: A drawing of a Nord King Haakon being accused of something. A bowl is spilled over on the floor. An angry man is seen ready to strike. Perhaps to throw some metal rod or is just raising this rod as an expression of frustration. The king is in disbelief and holds a horn in his left hand. Or a really cool mug of ale, why not?

"Haakon the Good, a Norwegian king that ruled from 934-961, as a skald."

Is what was described in the article above.

Eyvindr was a poet that worked and was cared for directly under the kings court since he was baby when he was given to the king.

Eyvindr (Eyv, c. 915-990) has been called the last important Norwegian skald (Genzmer 1920, 159; also Boyer 1990a, 201). He is listed in Skáldatal (SnE 1848-87, III, 253, 256, 261, 265-6) among the poets of Hákon góði ‘the Good’ Haraldsson and Hákon jarl Sigurðarson.

A skald is just another word for writer, to be more specific, Eyvindr was a historical poet for current nordic events. Current in their time that is.

The reason for being called "The Plagiarist" probably has more to do with his own name "Eyvindr" or maybe a he was kidnapped himself as a child and later found and given to the king. Regardless, he was given this name but that didn't mean that is what he was. For it is uncertain of whether that is true.

I would like to say the same for some people in blurt but duty calls.

@ononiwujoel: The Plagiarist

Source: A Love Tale

Now compare that post above with this post below


Or maybe this

From the year 2008


Same famous Plagiaristas above:


Screenshot source

How cute. Plagiarist learning to cite pictures? That tells me you know what your doing is wrong. And content that is not yours must be cited.

However, citing and article when there is no original thought from your own critic or whatever, is not good enough regardless. I had this argument many times before. And I will say it again.

For your publication to not be considered plagiarism, you must include more of your own words than that of what you are citing. About 65-70% your original works vs 30-5% cited material.

I don't care if you cited it! If its mostly not yours, its still plagiarism. PERIOD.

Also if your spinning articles and even from different languages and you think your being "clever", your not. Its just a matter of time.

The entire text in the post above comes from the book "Never Stop On The Motorway by Jeffrey Archer

This user continues to do plagiarism so down the history timeline of this account.

My Reccomendation:




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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are lots of these posts with plagiarism and We still can't see them..That's the we need warden who can contribute their knowledge and time to protect from abusers.

Thanks for the heads up. I'm a little disappointed as while I don't often interact with him, I've supported him at times when my normal feed has been slow.

I'm hopeful that he will change his ways as from what I remember from times past he could offer a lot to the community just by being himself and working on connecting with others of like mind here.